Economic efficiency and bioenergetic evaluation of marketable lettuce production


  • Н. В. Лещук Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Ukraine



lettuce, variety, yield, marketable products, economic efficiency, bioenergetic evaluation, prime cost, level of profitability


Purpose. Scientific substantiation of agrotechnological methods used for marketable production of lettuce varieties Lactuca sativa L. according to economic and bioenergy evaluation. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. Economic assessment of elements of cultivation technology for all lettuce varieties was undertaken considering different sowing time (early spring, late spring, spring-and-summer period and before the winter season), growing techniques (direct sowing, seedling method – planting pots, seedling method – planting containers) and the use of organic fertilizer Dominanta. Calculation of economic efficiency indicators of marketable lettuce production was scientifically grounded, and bioenergetic evaluation of its growing was made. Economic feasibility of seedling method of growing as well as sowing time and delivery of marketable products to the consumer was confirmed. Conclusions. Technological elements of lettuce growing including loose-leaf, butterhead, romaine and stem subvarieties provided increase of marketable products by 13,38; 3,92; 2,07; 3,20 t/ha respectively. The level of profitability of lettuce production was within 83–141% (butterhead) 86–130% (loose-leaf), 185–214% (romaine), 131–137% (stem).


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Author Biography

Н. В. Лещук, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

N. V. Leshchuk


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How to Cite

Лещук, Н. В. (2015). Economic efficiency and bioenergetic evaluation of marketable lettuce production. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (1-2(26-27), 42–48.

