Peculiarities of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) varietal resources development in Ukraine


  • М. А. Броновицька Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Ukraine



variety, varietal resource, collection, identification, yield, berry, Characteristic, proprietary rights, breeding direction, patent, morphological description


Blackcurrant varieties (Ribes nigrum L.) market in Ukraine has been monitored. The article discloses approaches to the development in Ukraine of this botanical taxon, as well as shows how the peculiarities of blackcurrant varieties DUS test along with taking into account economical characteristics of research entities of the NAAS of Ukraine as established. It details the procedure for adoption decision on an application (acquisition of proprietary rights of intellectual property for plant variety). Nowadays (priority ) and the most essential breeding vectors are set. A scientific rationale is given to the developments, management, maintenance of blackcurrant, common knowledge varieties database and its utilization in the wild for the official registration of proprietary rights on a plant variety. The article also discloses methodological aspects for singling out and the development of varieties displaying example characteristics of vegetative and generative organs of the blackcurrant for the purpose of uniformity test in the course of new varieties identification for the above introducent.


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Author Biography

М. А. Броновицька, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

М. Bronovytska


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How to Cite

Броновицька, М. А. (2013). Peculiarities of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) varietal resources development in Ukraine. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(19), 15–19.

