Methodical aspects of assessing grape breeding material




grape, procedure, genotype, seedling, economic characters, adaptability, productivity, perceptiveness


Purpose. Developing methodical aspects of assessing grape breeding material in hybrid combinations for a number of indicators of adaptability and productivity. Methods. Breeding, hybridological, statistical ones. Results. Main requirements were determined for a new generation of table and technical grapes that was based on the set breeding task and patent searches, literary sources and Internet resources. 12 main indicators of adaptability, productivity and quality of products were analyzed, a high level of their display is required for pre-selection of grape seedlings for further study. Gradation from the lowest level of display of the above economic characters of grapes to the medium and high ones was developed. For their definition points-based system is used – the lowest level of display corresponds to one and three points, average – five, and high – seven and nine. As a result, studied plants can score 12 to 108 points. Variation in the plant evaluation over the years should not exceed 10 points. A seedling cannot be selected by the maximum level of displaying only one parameter, in the same manner as it shall be rejected with a minimum level of display of any of the said indicators. Seedlings that display a stable middle level of traits can be placed to the breeding nursery to study the level of display of the essential parameters and properties of the grafted culture. Conclusions. Criteria and basic parameters of genotypic values in hybrid combinations were determined. Plants that have been estimated in 60 points or higher may be considered as promising ones, that is those which require further studying. Valuable genotypes correspond to the level of 80–100, very valuable – of 101–108 points.


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Author Biography

Л. В. Герус, National Scientific Center “Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Wine-Making”

L. V.Gerus


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How to Cite

Герус, Л. В. (2016). Methodical aspects of assessing grape breeding material. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(31), 22–26.

