Plant varieties studying and protection <p>“Plant Varieties Studying and Protection” Journal of Applied Research is scientific research publishing of Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Plant Breeding &amp; Genetics Institute, National Center of Seeds and Cultivar Investigation of NAAS, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences Of Ukraine, which are its co-founder.</p> <p>It is inacceptable for the publisher to break the established terms of publication and release of any issue of the Journal out-of-term.</p> <p>Periodicity period for 2016 is four times a year (1 times per quarter).</p> <p>The Journal is registered in International Standard Serial Number. ISSN − 2518-1017.</p> <p>The journal is licensed <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a><br /><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0pt;" src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p> <p>Distribution: domestic, foreign.</p> <p class="western" align="JUSTIFY">According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 515 of May 16, 2016 "On approving the decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry on specialized academic councils activity of May 12, 2016" (Annex 12 to the order,(<a href=""></a> ), the journal "Plant variety studying and protection" is registered in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in which results of theses research for obtaining a Ph.D. degree (Agriculture and Biology) can be published.</p> <p>The Journal is open for free access by the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (<a href=""></a> )</p> <p>The Journal publishes the articles the Ukrainian, English and Russian languages.</p> <p>The Journal is published based on the decision of the Academic Council of Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination.</p> <p>Editorial Board of the Journal includes 36 Doctors of Science including 13 foreign members.</p> <p>The Journal has own web-site <a> </a></p> <p>Subscription order of Plant Varieties Studying and Protection Journal can be made at Post Office of Ukraine. Ukrainian subscription index of the print version – 89273.</p> <p>The editorial board does not provide fee to authors of articles. Materials are published for free.</p> <p>All organizational and financial costs of the collection issuing are covered by Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination</p> <p>The editorial board considers as a priority to include the Journal into international abstract and scientometric databases, including Scopus and Web of Science.</p> <p>With best regards,</p> <p>Editor-in-chief of the «Plant Varieties Studying and Protection» Journal, </p> <h4>Serhiy Melnyk</h4> Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination en-US Plant varieties studying and protection 2518-1017 <p>Our journal abides by the CREATIVE COMMONS copyright rights and permissions for open access journals.</p><p>Authors, who are published in this journal, agree to the following conditions:</p><p>1. The authors reserve the right to authorship of the work and pass the first publication right of this work to the journal under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely distribute the published research with the obligatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work in this journal.</p><p> 2. The authors have the right to conclude separate supplement agreements that relate to non-exclusive work distribution in the form in which it has been published by the journal (for example, to upload the work to the online storage of the journal or publish it as part of a monograph), provided that the reference to the first publication of the work in this journal is included.</p> Creation of a collection fund and study of cultivars of daylilies in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine <p><strong>Purpose.</strong> Analysis and comparative study of daylily cultivars from the collection fund of the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NBG), selection of assortment for decorative horticulture and landscaping. <strong>Methods.</strong> Cultivars from the NBG daylily collection were studied. The cultivars were evaluated in terms of their aesthetic and economic attributes, and were classified according to their coloration and the timing of their flowering. The author of the cultivar, country of origin, year of creation and introduction into the NBG were also identified. The cultivars were also grouped according to these parameters. <strong>Results.</strong> The NBG daylily collection is the result of 40 years of introduction and 20 years of breeding work with this crop at the NBG. It includes 174 world cultivars, 26 cultivars of Ukrainian breeding and more than 1000 hybrid seedlings. Most of the cultivars (79) were introduced in 2000–2009. The main part of the current structure of the daylily collection consists of cultivars bred in the 1960–1970s. Most of these are hybrids from American breeders: David F. Hall (20 cultivars) and Allen Wild (46 cultivars). A total of 15 new cultivars were developed based on the original collection. These new cultivars feature double flowers, a valuable trait for hybrids in Ukraine. For effective use in ornamental horticulture and landscaping, the cultivars were grouped according to flower colour and flowering time. The yellow­flowered group is the most widely represented. A large number of cultivars with red flowers are inherent in hybrids bred between 1980 and 1999. Cultivars from modern breeding are mostly represented by the purple and pink colour group. Most of the cultivars in the collection are early and medium early. The smallest part is made up of medium­late and late hybrids. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The modern daylily collection is representative. The cultivars introduced into the NBG illustrate the main stages of breeding work with the crop and the achievements of breeders from different countries of the world. The collection includes early and medium early, medium, medium late and late flowering cultivars. Varying in colour and flowering time, the collection can be effectively used to extend the flowering period of daylilies by three months (from the second decade of May to the second decade of August) in ornamental gardening in Ukraine and in various landscape compositions.</p> T. O. Shcherbakova Copyright (c) 2024 T. O. Shcherbakova 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 20 3 140 146 10.21498/2518-1017.20.3.2024.311793 Decorative properties of cultivars of Liquidambar styraciflua L. <p class="a" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: distribute-all-lines;"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Purpose.</span></strong><span lang="EN-US"> To determine the structure, and color of the leaf, the bark of the branches, the habit of the crown, the linear characteristics of the plants, the features of flowering and fruiting of <em>Liquidambar styraciflua</em> L. and its cultivars. Provide recommendations for their use in landscaping. <strong>Methods.</strong></span></p> <p class="a" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">The subjects of the research were cultivars of <em>L. styraciflua</em>, which were found in arboretums, parks, squares, garden centers, nurseries and in green areas throughout Ukraine. The plants were evaluated according to a complex scale of ornamental value of woody plants, which includes four levels of ornamental value of trees and shrubs: very high, high, medium and low. The methods of observation, analysis, comparison, data summarization, photo­fixation and descriptive­taxation method were used. <strong>Results. </strong>A comprehensive assessment of the decorative effect of <em>L. styraciflua</em> cultivars (‘Worplesdon’, ‘Gum Ball’, ‘Rotundiloba’, ‘Albomarginata Manon’, ‘Oakville Highlight’, ‘Slender Silhouette’, ‘Fastigiatа’, ‘Pasquali’, ‘Stared’, ‘Thea’, ‘Aurea’, ‘Golden Treasure’, ‘Variegata’, ‘Golden Sun’, ‘Stella’, ‘Stella Rossa’) against species plants was carried out. Based on the results of the research, a table was compiled to help landscape architects, nursery and garden center workers, botanists and ecologists, students and staff of forestry and botanical institutions in the selection of plants. Recommendations are given for the use of <em>L. styraciflua</em> cultivars in landscaping. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> According to the degree of ornamentality, the vast majo­rity of <em>L. styraciflua</em> cultivars (13) belong to group I (very high, 65–90 points). They are recommended for use in urban and domestic landscaping and for the creation of various landscape objects. Group II (high ornamental value, 51–64 points) contains two cultivars, and group III (moderate ornamental value, 41–50 points) contains only one cultivar.</span></p> I. M. Svitylko Copyright (c) 2024 Svitylko, I. M. 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 20 3 147 152 10.21498/2518-1017.20.3.2024.311795 Formation of national varietal resources: status and prospects <p><strong>Purpose.</strong> To study the current state and structure of national plant variety resources, analyse the dynamics of their formation, identify new challenges and threats to national interests and food security of the state. <strong>Methods.</strong> The research used general scientific methods including hypothesis, observation, search with elements of extrapolation from the source database, analysis, comparative evaluation and synthesis to draw conclusions. <strong>Results.</strong> The physical and geographical location of Ukraine in the centre of Europe determines the export­import segment of resources of varieties and hybrids, which depends on international trends and trends in the food market. In recent years, our country has lost its leading position in the market of varietal plant resources. At the beginning of the third quarter of 2024, the share of varieties of Ukrainian applicants in the State Re­gister of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine was lower than that of foreign varieties, slightly exceeding 44% (corn – 45.3%, sunflower – 32.9%, vegetables – 23.3%, rapeseed – 19.1%, beetroot – 19.2%). Currently, the priority of domestic breeding is maintained for the following groups: cereals – 52.3%, fodder – 64.2%, medicinal – 88.7%. According to experts, in the coming years three quarters of the varieties of plants grown in our country will be of foreign origin. This situation is of great concern not only because of the increased dependence on imports, but also because of the real prospect of the decline of domestic breeding and the emergence of risks in the field of plant variety rights protection. The reasons for this state of national varietal resources and trends in the development of the seed industry of the main strategic varieties were analysed, taking into account the production of seeds of both foreign and domestic breeding, the market share of which was determined during the research. The volumes and the main producers of conditioned seeds in Ukraine were determined. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The state of plant variety resources was analysed, trends and main problems arising in the process of their formation were identified. The main directions of development and implementation of the norms of the European national legislation in the field of protection of rights to plant varieties and seed production were determined.</p> S. O. Tkachyk O. V. Zakharchuk L. M. Kotsiubynska T. M. Khomenko O. A. Skubii O. I. Zaval­niuk I. Yu. Dubova Yu. L. Stefkivska N. B. Lynchak Copyright (c) 2024 Tkachyk, S. O., Zakharchuk, O. V., Kotsiubynska, L. M., Khomenko, T. M., Skubii, O. A., Zaval­niuk, O. I., Dubova, I. Yu., Stefkivska, Yu. L., Lynchak, N. B. 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 20 3 174 182 10.21498/2518-1017.20.3.2024.311812 The history of the breeding of Clematis (Clematis L.) in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine <p><strong>Purpose.</strong> Investigate the history of Clematis breeding in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden (NBG), NAS of Ukraine, determine the main directions of hybrid Clematis breeding work. <strong>Results.</strong> It was established that the result of more than 16 years of breeding Clematis in the NBG was the selection of the 61 perspective hybrid, 42 of which, the most perspective, were assigned names. Of these, large­flowered varieties are the most numerous according to the distribution of variety groups in the current Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain classification. In particular, Late Large­flowered account for about 40% of the total and Early Large­flowered for about 29%. Small­flowered hybrids make up the smaller part, of which about 26% belong to the Viticella group and one hybrid (‘Sputnik’) to the Integrifolia. The known directions of distribution of hybrid Сlematis of the NBG breeding indicate the possibility of their successful cultivation both in continental and maritime areas with a high level of humidity in the temperate zone and in the dry Mediterranean climate of the subtropical climate zone, which reveals their significant adaptive potential. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Obtaining varieties of hybrid Clematis of domestic breeding is important for the implementation of sustainable horticulture practices on the territory of Ukraine, since a significant part of the modern introduced assortment of Clematis raises doubts about their adaptability to the local climate, and requires additional research into their adaptive potential. A successful combination in vertical landscaping of NBG­bred Clematis belonging to different varietal groups can ensure continuous flowering from May to the end of the season. These unique characteristics of Clematis ensure the creation of not only environmentally sustainable, but also visually appealing spaces that will contribute to the overall health and beauty of the urban environment.</p> V. V. Makovskyi Copyright (c) 2024 Makovskyi, V. V. 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 20 3 183 188 10.21498/2518-1017.20.3.2024.311814 The impact of cultivation technology elements on the productivity of the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) variety ‘Hoverla’ in the Prykarpattia region <p><strong>Purpose.</strong> To study the formation of the productivity of the ‘Hoverla’ soybean variety using different elements of cultivation technology. <strong>Methods. </strong>Field, laboratory, statistical (calculation­comparative, mathematical­statistical). <strong>Results.</strong> The effectiveness of spring chisel ploughing for the cultivation of the soyabean variety ‘Hoverla’ in the soil and climatic conditions of the Prykarpattia region was established. The positive effect of the studied tillage methods on the phytosanitary condition of the crop was noted. In particular, the combination of autumn ploughing and spring chisel ploughing with the application of N<sub>30</sub>P<sub>30</sub>K<sub>30</sub> mineral fertiliser and double foliar spraying of crops with a growth regulator led to an increase in the competitiveness of plants against weeds and reduced the number of weeds by 46.2% compared to the control. The implementation of the above measures also contributed to an increase in yield to 2.48 t/ha, or 57.0% on average over three years. At the same time, the yield of forage units and digestible protein increased by 1.35 and 0.3 t/ha respectively. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Spring chisel ploughing, together with autumn ploughing and a rational combination of the predecessor’s by­products, the proposed doses of mineral fertiliser and growth regulator in the conditions of the Prykarpattia region, helped to reduce the weediness of crops by 46.2% and increase the yield of the ‘Ho­verla’ soybean variety by 57.0%.</p> H. I. Kunychak O. V. Dutchak V. H. Matviiets N. M. Matviiets Copyright (c) 2024 Kunychak, H. I., Dutchak, O. V., Matviiets, V. H., Matviiets, N. M. 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 20 3 153 157 10.21498/2518-1017.20.3.2024.311802 Quality indicators of new sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) varieties for high oleic and oilseed use under different growing conditions <p><strong>Purpose.</strong> To study the influence of steppe and forest-steppe climatic conditions on the yield, oil content in seeds and fatty acid composition of oil in new sunflower varieties of high oleic and oilseed use. <strong>Methods.</strong> The research was conducted in accordance with “Methods of qualification examination of plant varieties for their suitability for distribution in Ukraine (general part)” and “Methods of qualification examination of plant varieties for their suitability for distribution. Methods of determining quality indicators of plant production”. The following methods were used in the research: laboratory, comparison, generalisation, mathematical statistics, analysis and synthesis to draw conclusions. <strong>Results.</strong> The fatty acid composition of the seeds of new varieties of sunflower (<em>Helianthus annuus</em> L.) of high oleic and oilseed use, grown in different soil and climatic conditions, was studied. According to the results of the analysis in the steppe zone, the variety ‘LG50648’ has the highest economic and value characteristics: oil content (51,0%), oleic acid (85.1%), yield (3.11 t/ha); varieties ‘SULIANO’ and ‘MAS 908HOCP’ – yield (3.40 and 3.91 t/ha) and oleic acid content (85.8 and 86.1%) regardless of the gro­wing conditions. It was found that high oleic sunflower varieties ‘MAS 908HOCP’, ‘LG50648’, ‘SULIANO’ grown under steppe and forest-steppe conditions yielded higher quality oil. The maximum content of oleic acid in 2022–2023 was characteristic of the seeds of the varieties ‘MAS 908HOCP’ (86.1% in the steppe and 85.8% in the forest steppe) and ‘SULIANO’. The hi­ghest linoleic acid content was obtained in the seeds of the oilseed use varieties ‘STK104’ (62.9% in the steppe and 58.5% in the forest steppe) and ‘STK103’ (61.2% in the forest steppe). Among the high oleic varieties, the best results were obtained with ‘LG50648’ (5.7% in the steppe and 5.9% in the forest steppe). <strong>Conclusions.</strong> Oil content of sunflower varieties and fatty acid composition are determined by varietal characteristics of sunflower and environmental conditions. Modern sunflower varieties, which are included in the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine, have high yield potential and can provide a large yield of vegetable oil per unit area. Agroclimatic conditions have different effects on the gross seed yield and oil quality in the conditions of the forest steppe and steppe of Ukraine.</p> L. V. Korol O. V. Topchii L. M. Prysiazhniuk I. O. Dikhtiar A. P. Ivanytska Yu. V. Shytikova I. V. Bezprozvana O. V. Piskova I. V. Smulska Copyright (c) 2024 L. V. Korol, O. V. Topchii, L. M. Prysiazhniuk, I. O. Dikhtiar, A. P. Ivanytska, Yu. V. Shytikova, I. V. Bezprozvana, O. V. Piskova, I. V. Smulska 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 20 3 158 165 10.21498/2518-1017.20.3.2024.311805 Yield, grain quality and morphological characteristics of new early maturing varieties of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] from domestic breeding <p class="a" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: distribute-all-lines;"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Purpose.</span></strong><span lang="EN-US"> To carry out a comprehensive study and evaluation of new varieties of soybean [<em>Glycine max</em> (L.) Merrill] of the early maturity group (vegetation period – 91–110 days) by morphological characteristics and the main economic indicators: yield, oil and protein content. <strong>Methods. </strong>Field stu­dies on the qualification examination of soybean varieties were carried out during 2022–2023 in ten branches of the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (UIPVE) within the soil and climatic zones of the Steppe, Forest­Steppe and Polissia. The process was based on the existing methods of qualification examination of plant varieties for their suitability for distribution in Ukraine (VCU), determination of quality indicators of crop production and compliance of varieties with the criteria of distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS). <strong>Results.</strong> The morphological characteristics, yield and grain quality of new early maturing varieties of Ukrainian breeding, included in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine, were evalua­ted. Namely: ‘Zlatopilska’, ‘Kobuko’, ‘AFC Tempo’, ‘AFC Fest’, ‘Hospodynia’ and ‘Sunrise’. The most productive varieties in all soil and climate zones were ‘AFC Tempo’ (Steppe – 3.25 t/ha,</span></p> <p class="a" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: distribute-all-lines; text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">Forest­Steppe – 3.64, Polissia – 3.63 t/ha) and ‘Kobuko’ (Steppe – 3.03 t/ha, Forest­Steppe – 3.68, Polissia – </span></p> <p class="a" style="text-align: justify; text-justify: distribute-all-lines; text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">3.42 t/ha). At the same time, ‘Zlatopilska’, ‘Kobuko’, ‘AFC Tempo’, ‘AFC Fest’ and ‘Sunrise’ produced the highest yields in Forest­Steppe [from 2.89 t/ha (‘Zlatopilska’) to 3.68 t/ha</span></p> <p class="a" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">(‘Kobuko’)] and ‘Hospodynia’ – in Polissia (2.83 t/ha). ‘Zlatopilska’ (38.4–40.3%) and ‘Sunrise’ (37.9–40.6%) had the highest protein content in the grain and ‘AFC Fest’ (23.3–24.3%) the highest oil content. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> According to the results of the qualification examination, varieties of soybean ‘Zlatopilska’, ‘Kobuko’ and ‘AFC Tempo’ are recommended for cultivation in all soil and climatic zones; ‘Sunrise’ – in the Steppe and Forest­Steppe; ‘Hospodynia’ – in the Steppe and Polissia; ‘AFC Fest’ – only in the Steppe. Seeds produced in the Forest­Steppe zone have the best quality indicators in terms of protein content, and in terms of oil content – in the Steppe zone. The studied varieties of soybeans meet the criteria of distinctness, uniformity and stability, as well as the requirements for suitability for distribution in Ukraine.</span></p> S. M. Mykhailyk N. V. Kurochka I. V. Smulska T. D. Sonets Ye. M. Starychenko Copyright (c) 2024 Mykhailyk, S. M., Kurochka, N. V., Smulska, I. V., Sonets, T. D., & Starychenko, Ye. М. 2024-10-23 2024-10-23 20 3 166 173 10.21498/2518-1017.20.3.2024.311810