High fiber flax variety ‘Esman’





straw and fiber yielding, total fiber content, output of long fiber, fiber quality


Purpose. To create a new late ripening highly productive variety of fiber flax with high fiber quality.

Methods. Field study, laboratory test, instrumental and technological investigations, statistical evaluation.

Results. Research results allowed to identify main morphological, economic and technological characters of a new late ripening fiber flax variety ‘Esman’. It was established that this variety is characterized by high yields of straw (5.9–6.1 t/ha), seeds (0.78–0.86 t/ha), the whole amount of fiber (1.61–1.74 t/ha) including long one (1.05 t/ha). Considerable content of the whole amount of fiber (27.9–30.7%) is successfully combined with its high quality. It has high resistance to lodging, seeds shattering and mean resistance to anthracnose and fusarium. On completion of the State variety testing in 2016, fiber flax variety ‘Esman’ was entered into the State register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine.

Conclusions. Fiber flax variety ‘Esman’ combines high yields of straw, seeds, fiber and high quality of the latter as well as resistance to lodging and diseases. It is recommended to cultivate in all flax-growing regions of Ukraine. Implementation of the late ripening high yielding fiber flax variety ‘Esman’ will permit to obtain high yields of flax products and favor the efficiency of the domestic flax industry.


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Author Biographies

Л. М. Кривошеєва, Institute of Bast Crops of NAAS of Ukraine

Kryvosheieva, L. M.

В. I. Чучвага, Institute of Bast Crops of NAAS of Ukraine

Chuchvaha, V. I.

О. Ю. Йотка, Institute of Bast Crops of NAAS of Ukraine

Yotka, O. Yu.

І. В. Верещагін, Institute of Bast Crops of NAAS of Ukraine

Vereshchahin, I. V.


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How to Cite

Кривошеєва, Л. М., Чучвага В. I., Йотка, О. Ю., & Верещагін, І. В. (2017). High fiber flax variety ‘Esman’. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 13(2), 119–122. https://doi.org/10.21498/2518-1017.13.2.2017.105389

