Regulations of the journal
REGULATIONS about the scientific and practical journal «Plant Varieties Studying and Protection»
1.1 Regulations about the scientific and practical journal «Plant Varieties Studying and Protection» (hereinafter - Regulations) developed in accordance with:
Constitution of Ukraine;
Law of Ukraine «On Information»;
Law of Ukraine «On media»;
Law of Ukraine «On Supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language»;
Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights»;
Law of Ukraine «On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities».
1.2 The Regulations define the procedure for the formation, approval, printing and publication of the journal.
1.3 The co-founders of the journal are:
The Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination (hereinafter – UIPVE) (holds 60% stake in corporate rights);
The Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics NAS Ukraine (holds 20% stake in corporate rights);
The Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute - National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation NAAS (holds 20% stake in corporate rights).
1.4 The Regulations and amendments thereto are approved by the co-founders of the journal.
1.5 The journal is founded in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Measures for the fulfillment of Ukraine's obligations under the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 816-r dated November 3, 2004, and on the basis of the Founding Agreement on the establishment and operations of the print media.
1.6 In order to organize the formation, approval, printing and publication of the journal, the general meeting of the co-founders appoints the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and Deputy Editors-in-Chief, establishes the Editorial Council and the Editorial Board of the printed media - scientific and practical journal “Plant Varieties Studying and Protection”, which act in accordance with this Regulation.
1.7 The journal is published in Ukrainian and English.
1.8 The periodicity of the publication is four times a year.
1.9 The electronic version of the journal is posted on the publication's website:
The main tasks of the scientific and practical journal include:
- highlighting topical issues related to plant variety research and protection of plant variety rights, genetics, breeding, seed production, and biotechnology;
- building a professional dialog between research institutions, higher education institutions and business entities of various forms of ownership;
- sharing and popularization of scientific knowledge;
- promoting the professional development of specialists in the sphere of plant variety rights protection, variety certification, crop production, biology, plant physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, biological safety (ecology, plant protection).
The scientific and practical journal is published under the sections agreed upon by the co-founders, namely:
- variety studying and variety science;
- genetics;
- breeding and seed production;
- plant physiology and biochemistry;
- biotechnology and biological safety;
- plant production;
- plant variety rights protection;
- history of science;
- digital technologies in agronomy and biology;
- effectiveness of innovative technologies in agronomy and biology.
4.1 The Editorial Council is an advisory body for managing the journal's activities, which was created to improve the quality of scientific publications of the journal in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “On Approval of the Procedure for Forming the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine” of 15.01.2018 No. 32.
4.2 The editorial council of the journal is headed by its managing editor, who is appointed by the decision of the meeting of the co-founders.
4.3 The decisions of the editorial council are made by a simple majority vote and come into force after approval by the managing editor.
4.4 The editorial council consists of leading national and foreign scientists who meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The quantitative and personal composition of the editorial council is approved by the decision of the heads of the co-founders' meetings.
4.5 The main tasks of the editorial council include determining the development strategy, activities and tasks of the journal.
4.6 The journal's policy on publishing ethics is based on the norms of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at the link:
5.1 The Editorial Board is an executive management body that carries out a set of measures for the formation, approval, printing and publication of the journal.
5.2 The Editorial Board consists of:
Chairman of the Editorial Board (editor-in-chief);
Deputy Managing Editor of the journal;
Scientific editor in the sphere of “Agricultural Sciences”, code 201;
Scientific Editor in the sphere of “Biological sciences”, code 091;
Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board of the journal.
5.3 The Editorial Board of the journal is headed by the Chairman of the Editorial Board.
5.4 The Chairman of the Editorial Board is appointed by the decision of the meeting of the co-founders.
5.5 The personal composition of the Editorial Board is approved by the Chairman of the Editorial Board.
5.6 The main tasks of the Editorial Council include:
- competitive selection of scientific articles for publication in the journal;
- control over the main stages of the manuscripts' passage;
- maintaining contacts with the authors;
- іnvolvement of new authors in cooperation;
- resolving disputes regarding the publication of scientific articles;
- ensuring timely replenishment of international scientometric databases, providing electronic versions of journal articles to the Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine;
- integration into other scientometric databases.
5.7 The form of work of the Editorial Board is a meeting.
5.8 A meeting of the Editorial Board shall be considered authorized if at least 2/3 of the total number of members of the Board participate in its work.
5.9 Decisions of the Editorial Board shall be made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the meeting. If the votes of the members of the Board are equally divided, the vote of the Chairman of the Editorial Board is decisive.
5.10 The decisions of the Editorial Council shall be formalized in a protocol signed by the Chairman and the executive secretary of the Editorial Board. The decisions of the Editorial Board shall come into force after the protocol is signed.
5.11 Document management and storage, including protocols of meetings of the Editorial Board, shall be entrusted to the executive secretary of the Editorial Board.
5.12 The meeting of the Editorial Board takes decisions on:
- recommendation of the article for publication;
- the need to revise the manuscript by the author or co-authors;
- rejection of the manuscript in case of plagiarism or other valid reasons.
5.13 A substantiated conclusion on the refusal to publish the article is prepared by the scientific editor and the executive secretary of the Editorial Board and signed by the Chairman of the Editorial Board.
5.14 Manuscripts sent for revision more than twice, which may indicate a low quality of their preparation, and not returned in time after revision, may not be considered by the Editorial Board.
5.15 The Chairperson of the Editorial Board (Editor-in-Chief) shall ensure:
- organization, planning and management of the activities of the Editorial Board;
- compliance with the defined editorial policy, generally recognized ethical and moral standards. Available on the journal's website at the following link:;
- convening and holding meetings of the Editorial Board, approving the agenda of the meetings, chairing the meetings;
- negotiating in the interests of the journal for the purpose of scientific cooperation;
- control over the implementation of decisions of the Editorial Board.
5.16 The Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board and scientific editors of the journal are appointed by the Chairman of the Editorial Board.
5.17 Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board:
- ensures preparation of materials for meetings of the Editorial Board;
- keeps and draws up protocols of meetings timely;
- ensures communication with the members of the Editorial Council, correspondence on issues related to the preparation and printing of the next issue of the journal;
- Controls the receipt and processing of submitted materials, ensures their registration in the electronic register;
- maintains an electronic register of scientific articles submitted for publication;
- determines the optimal timing of the stages of preparation of articles for the formation of the original layout and the issue of the journal;
- submits for approval at the meeting of the UIPVE Scientific Council the finalized materials for publication in the context of the titles of articles, authors and reviewers;
- coordinates the work on the preparation and publication of the journal;
- supervises the placement of the electronic version of the journal, maintenance of the archive and constant updating of the website.
5.18 Scientific editor of the journal:
- carries out scientific editing of articles in the specialized sphere of science in order to ensure a high scientific level, novelty and relevance of research results;
- edits manuscripts, providing the authors with the necessary scientific and methodological assistance to improve the structure of the article, abstract, disclosure of scientific novelty, choice of terms, and agrees with them the recommended changes;
- recommends reviewers who are specialists in the relevant sphere and who meet the requirements set by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
- determines the level of completeness of the scientific novelty of the material presented in the article, the justification of the purpose, methodology and conclusions;
- in case of rejection of the article, prepare a substantiated written opinion with proposals for consideration at the meeting of the Editorial Board.
5.19 The Chairman and members of the Editorial Board are responsible for organizing the review of articles and maintaining academic integrity.
6.1 Preparation for publication of the journal is carried out by the UIPVE Staff, whose official duties include the functions of technical editor, literary editor and layout designer, in accordance with the decisions of the Editorial Board.
6.2 The UIPVE employee, whose official duties include performing the functions of the technical editor of the journal, carries out
- technical editing of publications in order to ensure their high-quality printing performance;
- clarifying the construction of the manuscript, checking the correctness of its structure in accordance with the requirements of the journal;
- verification of scientific articles for self-citation, rewriting and plagiarism, based on the results of which he/she provides proposals for the publication of the article;
- checking the content, titles, structure of the article, availability of original photographs and design of literary sources in accordance with the applicable requirements.
6.3 An employee of UIPVE, whose official duties include performing the functions of a literary editor, carries out:
- literary processing of the author's text in Ukrainian and English, elimination of semantic inconsistencies, clarification of wording, correction of punctuation and spelling errors;
- control over compliance with the unification of abbreviations and units of measurement, accuracy of references to primary sources, correct use of terms;
- transfer of the edited material to the Executive Secretary of the Editorial Board for further layout of the journal.
6.4 An employee of UIPVE, whose job duties include performing the functions of a layout designer:
- timely typesets and arranges the material in accordance with the journal layout;
- processes illustrative material;
- submits the layout of the journal for approval at a meeting of the Editorial Board and subsequently for publication.
6.5 In the process of preparing manuscripts for publication, anonymous review is applied, which involves members of the Editorial Council and other specialists who meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
6.6 The organization of printing, as well as financing of expenses related to the printing and distribution of the journal, is carried out by the UIPVE.
7.1 The Scientific Council of UIPVE considers the materials prepared by the Editorial Board (content, titles of articles, reviews, sections, layout of the journal) and decides on the approval of the next issue of the journal for publication.
7.2 Submission of the next issue of the journal for publication without the approval of the Scientific Council of the UIPVE is prohibited.
8.1 The Editorial Board, within its competence, takes sufficient and necessary measures to ensure copyright compliance in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights”.
8.2 The author is obliged to ensure a high scientific level of the material presented, completeness and consistency of coverage of the issue, reliability of the results and data presented, correctness of citations and references to literary sources.
8.3 Publication of materials is possible only if the authors comply with the editorial requirements for scientific professional publications of Ukraine. The requirements are posted on the journal's website at the following link:
8.4 If the author is refused to publish his/her materials, he/she has the right to receive a reasoned opinion on this matter.
8.5 Authors are not charged for publication in the journal.
8.6 The Editorial Board does not provide for the payment of royalties.
9.1 UIPVE carries out the mandatory distribution of the journal in accordance with the list of recipients of mandatory free copies of publications of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 608 of May 10, 2002, and also transfers the journal for distribution according to the subscription.
9.2 The list of distribution of the journal is approved by the order of the UIPVE.
9.3 The remainder of the journal's circulation is kept in the scientific and technical fund of the UIPVE.
Director of Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination |
Director of Institute of Plant Physiology рослин and Genetics NAS Ukraine |
The Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute - National Center of Seed and Cultivar Investigation NAAS |
Serhii MELNYK |
Volodymyr MORGUN |
Viacheslav SOKOLOV |
November 6, 2024
November 7, 2024
November 11, 2024