Expre­s­sion level and correlation between yielding capacity, morphological characters and yield components in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).





spring barley, yielding capacity, yield components, morphological characters, genetic sources, expression level, correlation, cluster analysis


Purpose. To reveal trends of expression level and relationship between yielding capacity, yield components and morphological characters of spring barley of two-row type in the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. To identify new genetic sources for breeding.

Methods. Field experiments, variance, correlation and cluster analyses.

Results. During the investigation of 30 spring barley genotypes of various eco-geographical origin during the period of 2012–2014 with contrast meteorological parameters in the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, it was found significant differences in expression level of morphological characters, yielding capacity and yield components. Samples with increased yielding capaci­ty [‘Kozvan’ (‘Maiak’) (UKR), ‘AC Kings’ (CAN), ‘Siaivo’ (UKR), ‘RD-1’ (UKR), ‘Arhument’ (UKR), ‘B 1215’ (USA)] and some yield components have been identified. Based on the results of the cluster analysis, samples were grouped by the expression level of the studied characters. Some genotypes identified by yiel­ding capacity were placed in different groups, that raise the possibility of systematic genetic improvement of plants when creating new source material and using them as parental components in crosses. Reliable correlations between yielding capacity and productive tillering (r = 0.67–072), yielding capacity and grain weight per plant (r = 0.73–0.77) were found. Grain weight per plant in all years reliably correlated with productive tillering (r = 0.62–0.80). In dry conditions of 2013, higher correlations between yielding capacity and other morphological characters and yield components were observed, in particular plant height (up to r = 0.52), length of upper internode (r = 0.52), grain weight of main spike (r = 0.39). Higher correlation between yielding capacity and 1000 kernel weight were noted in 2013 and 2014 as compared to 2012 against a background of decline in expression level of the character.

Conclusions. Genotypes identified with high expression level of breeding valuable characters should be used as genetic sources when creating new germplasm. In order to increase formative process for productivity in the hybrid progeny, high-producing genotypes belonging to different clusters should be chosen as components in crossings. Under environments of the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine, productive tillering plays the most significant role in the formation of yield of two-rowed spring barley. However, for providing high level of productivity of plants and agrocoenosis as a whole, late­ral stems should be developed simultaneously with the main stem and characterized by balance of grain number per spike and grain size.


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Author Biographies

О. А. Демидов, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Demydov, O. A.

В. М. Гудзенко, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Hudzenko, V. M.

С. П. Васильківський, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS of Ukraine

Vasylkivskyi, S. P.

С. І. Мельник, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

Melnyk, S. I.

С. Л. Українець, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

Ukrainets, S. L.


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How to Cite

Демидов, О. А., Гудзенко, В. М., Васильківський, С. П., Мельник, С. І., & Українець, С. Л. (2017). Expre­s­sion level and correlation between yielding capacity, morphological characters and yield components in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 13(2), 190–197. https://doi.org/10.21498/2518-1017.13.2.2017.105413

