On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 10. Rules of Plant Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Cultonomy





plant nomenclature, taxonomy, cultonomy, phytonomy, orthography


Purpose. To develop rules for Plant Nomenclature, Taxonomy and Cultonomy.

Results. The regulations of “International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants”, “International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants”, “International Code of Phylogenetic Nomenclature”, and “International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties” are applied for plant name standardization in different spheres. The Ukrainian Orthography, which regulates the Ukrainian language including the writing of plant names, does not fully cover the whole range of issues in this area. Different approaches of botanist and philologists to ordering, according to Ukrainian plants nomenclature and spelling rules, demand coordination. The draft of the “Rules of Plant Nomenclature, Taxonomy and Cultonomy” for ordering and harmonization of Ukrainian phytonomy is offered.

Conclusions. The draft of “Rules of Plant Nomenclature, Taxonomy and Cultonomy” is the significant step in the matter of plant denomination and plant names usage in scientific and economic activities


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Author Biography

В. М. Меженський, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Mezhenskyj, V. M.

Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination


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How to Cite

Меженський, В. М. (2018). On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 10. Rules of Plant Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Cultonomy. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 14(1), 28–44. https://doi.org/10.21498/2518-1017.14.1.2018.126502

