Characteristic of geographically distant samples of winter soft wheat from 20<sup>TH</sup> FAWWON-SA nursery in the southern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.




soft winter wheat, productivity, valuable economic characters, sample


Purpose. To make comprehensive assessment of introduced samples of soft winter wheat from the 20TH FAWWON-SA international nursery of various eco-geographical origins under the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine according to the indices of productivity and adaptability in order to define the most valuable samples and describe them.

Methods. Field study, laboratory analysis, generalization.

Results. The authors presented results of the study, evaluation and description of 90 new soft winter wheat samples of various eco-geographical origins by productivi­ty and adaptability traits during 2013–2016 implemented by the V. Ya. Yuriev Plant Production Institute of NAAS on the base of Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production. In field and laboratory conditions, the following indicators as yielding, productivity, thousand/kernel weight, early ripe­ning, height of plants, length of the ears and lod­ging resistance were studied.

Conclusions. A series of stu­dies of new soft winter wheat samples under various weather conditions allowed to identify plants with increased parame­ters of economic and biological characters. During studies, it was found that ‘06325G1-1’, ‘06325G4-1’, ‘Nikifor’ (Romania), ‘Aniya’ (Kazakhstan), ‘AR800-1-3-1/WX03ARS0047’, ‘GA951079-3-5/WX03ARS0256’, ‘BC01007-7’, ‘BC01131-24’, ‘OK055511’, ‘SD06069’, ‘NE06545’ (USA) were the high-yiel­ding varieties. The samples of soft winter wheat as ‘Derbes’, ’Zhadyra’ (Kazakhstan), ‘CHAM6//1D13.1/…’ (IU061757), ‘DORADE/ALTAY2000…’ (IU062123), ‘GANSU-1/MEZGIT-4’, ‘CHAM6//1D13…’ (IU061757) (Turkey), ‘SERI.1B*2/3/KAUZ*2/BOW//…’ (IU062150) (USA) contained a large mass of grains (more than 3.5 g), plant productivity in these samples was rather high due to increased amount of grains and the “thousand-kernel” weight. Summarizing analysis showed that introduced soft winter wheat samples of various eco-geographical origins were adapted to the Southern Forest-Steppe and can be recommended as an initial material in breeding to increase productive and adaptive capacity.


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Author Biographies

С. М. Холод, Ustymivka Experimental Station of Plant Production of Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev, NAAS of Ukraine

Svitlana Kholod

Р. С. Вискуб, Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production of the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev, NAAS of Ukraine

Roman Vyskub


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How to Cite

Холод, С. М., & Вискуб, Р. С. (2018). Characteristic of geographically distant samples of winter soft wheat from 20&lt;sup&gt;TH&lt;/sup&gt; FAWWON-SA nursery in the southern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 14(2), 144–152.

