Sources of complex resistance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for adaptive breeding




Triticum aestivum L., varieties, drought resistance, heat resistance, pathogens, sources of complex resistance


Purpose. To study the complex resistance of winter wheat collection using productivity index – total weight of all grains in one ear; drought and heat resistances; resistance to pathogens – powdery mildew, brown rust and pyrenophorosis (tan spot). To select plants with complex resistance for breeding programs aimed to create a high-yielding and highly adaptable source material.

Methods. Field, laboratory and statistical.

Results. The winter wheat varieties were divided into 3 groups according to the level of productivity and the way of use. They included 136 varieties, 33% of which were from Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv breeding), 19% from the southern regions of Ukraine (south-Ukrainian breeding), and 42% from the foreign collection (West European breeding). On the basis of productivity, the highest priority in 69% belongs to Kyiv breeding varieties with grain weight within 3.1–4.0 g/ear. South-Ukrainian breeding varieties are of highest drought tolerance at the rank ‘medium-resistant’ – 25.0%, at the rank ‘higher than medium-resistant’ – 17.9% and ‘highly resistant’ – 10.7%. Varieties of Kyiv breeding have the highest percentage at the rank of ‘medium heat resistant’ and the ‘heat resistant’ – 25.5%. According to pathogenic resistance, Western European breeding varieties have the highest percentage of the resistance to powdery mildew and pyrenophorosis at the rank ‘higher than medium resistant’ – 43%. Varieties of Kyiv and south-Ukrainian breeding have the steadily medium resistance to diseases of three pathogens within 53–82 %.

Conclusions. The sources of complex resistance of winter wheat to the unfavorable environmental factors and pathogen diseases (mildew, brown rust and pyrenophorosis) were identified – ‘Natalka’, ‘Pereiaslavka’, ‘Podolianka’, ‘Darynka Kyivska’, ‘Zbruch’, ‘Kyivska ostysta’, ‘Smuh­lianka’, ‘Snihurka’ and ‘Favorytka’ varieties. Studied varieties were involved to the breeding programs on creation of highly productive and highly adaptive winter wheat.


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Author Biographies

Л. О. Хоменко, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine

Lidiia Khomenko

Н. В. Сандецька, Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine

Nadiia Sandetska


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How to Cite

Хоменко, Л. О., & Сандецька, Н. В. (2018). Sources of complex resistance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for adaptive breeding. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 14(3), 270–276.

