Statistical and AMMI evaluation of stability of spring barley breeding lines in multi-environment trials
barley, breeding lines, multi-environment trials, genotype–environment interaction, yield performance, stability, AMMIAbstract
Purpose. Evaluate the genotype–environment interaction and identify the spring barley breeding lines with a combination of yield performance and stability in the multi-environment trials.
Methods. Twelve barley breeding lines and standard variety ‘Vzirets’ were tested in three different ecological zones of Ukraine: Central Forest-Steppe, Polissia and Northern Steppe. To characterize the genotype–environment interaction and differentiate of breeding lines for yield and adaptability, a number of the most used methods were applied: S. A. Eberhart, W. A. Russel (1966); G. Wricke (1962); C. S. Lin, M. R. Binns (1988); M. Huehn (1990); A. V. Kilchevskiy, L. V. Khotyleva (1985); V. V. Khangildin, N. A. Litvinenko (1981); J. L. Purchase et al. (2000). Graphical analysis was performed with the AMMI model.
Results. The high variation in the yield performance of spring barley breeding lines was revealed, which was determined both by the ecological and the weather conditions of the years of the research. The ANOVA revealed reliable contributions from all three source of the variation: genotype, environment and genotype–environment interaction. The part of influence for environment was the highest – 93.17%. The correlation between yield and individual stability indices was determined. Some indices estimated the stability only, without considering yield level. Other indices were related with the mean yield, with the maximum or minimum its limits. The breeding lines ‘Nutans 5152’, ‘Nutans 4982’, ‘Nutans 5069’ and ‘Nutans 5093’ with the optimal combination of yield performance and stability were identified. These breeding lines were transmitted to the Ukrainian Institute of Plant Varieties Examination for the qualification examination as new spring barley varieties ‘MIP Sharm’, ‘MIP Deviz’, ‘MIP Tytul’ and ‘MIP Zakhysnyk’, respectively. A number of breeding lines can be used in hybridization as a source of high adaptive potential for the suitable environmental conditions: Polissia – ‘Nutans 5061’, Polissia and Forest-Steppe – ‘Nutans 5081’ and ‘Nutans 4966’, Northern Steppe – ‘Deficiens 5145’.
Conclusions. Conducting multi-environment trials and processing experimental data in combination with statistical indices and AMMI promotes an in-depth assessment of the genotype–environment interaction and the identification the best of the best genotypes at the final stages of breeding process.
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