Technological qualities of sugar beet root crops depending on fertilization and crop rotation




sugar beet, fertilizer rate, factory sugar output, loss of sugar in molasses, sugar content in roots, MB-factor, sugar yield


Purpose. To study the peculiarities of technological qua­lity formation in sugar beet roots depending on the system of fertilization and crop rotation.

Methods. Field, laboratory and statistical.

Results. The studies were carried out on typical chernozems in the vetch-oats – winter wheat – sugar beet rotation. It was revealed that in the crop-replaceable and grain-tilled crop rotation on the background of the use of N100P100K100 + 50 t/ha of manure sugar losses in molasses was 1.11 and 1.08%, in the crop-replaceable rotation with 5 t/ha of straw plowing under + N100P100K100 it was 0.99%. With an increase in the dose of potash fertilizer to 150 kg/ha (N100P100K150) and the use of 50 t/ha of manure + K150 MB-factor was 13.93%, while in the case of plowing straw under together with mineral fertilizers it was 13.76%. In the grain rotation, the purity of normally purified juice was high against the background of the use of N100P100K100 + 50 t/ha of manure – 96.03%, whereas in the crop-replaceable and grain-tilled crop rotation – 95.35 and 95.56%, respectively; for an increase in the rate of fertilizers up to N160P200K200 + 50 t/ha of manure – 95.07%, and an increase in the dose of potassium in the fertilizer system – N100P100K150 + 50 t/ha of manure – 95.84%.

Conclusions. An increase in the rate of fertilizers in the vetch-oats – winter wheat – sugar beet rotation leads to an increase in sugar losses in the molasses. In the grain-tilled crop rotation for the introduction of N160P200K200 + 50 t/ha of manure, the factory sugar yield decreased to 13.74%, with an increase in the potassium dose in the fertilizer system to N100P100K150 + 50 t/ha of manure, this indicator grows by 0.36%. In the case of plowing straw under on the background of N100P100K100, in the crop-replaceable rotation, the factory sugar yield is 8.15 t/ha, which is not inferior to the organo-mineral background of the sugar beet fertilization. 


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Author Biographies

Я. П. Цвей, Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet, NAAS of Ukraine

Yaroslav Tsvei

О. І. Присяжнюк, Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet, NAAS of Ukraine

Oleh Prysiazhniuk

С. О. Бондар, Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet, NAAS of Ukraine

Svitlana Bondar

С. М. Сенчук, Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet, NAAS of Ukraine

Svitlana Senchuk


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How to Cite

Цвей, Я. П., Присяжнюк, О. І., Бондар, С. О., & Сенчук, С. М. (2019). Technological qualities of sugar beet root crops depending on fertilization and crop rotation. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 15(1), 99–104.

