Yield and quality of soft winter wheat grain under diffe­rent types of crops treating with fungicides





winter wheat variety, disease development, the effectiveness of fungicides, level of productivity, quality indicators


Purpose. Determine the best options for effective fungicidal protection of soft winter wheat varieties against disea­ses that will ensure a high yield and grain quality.

Methods. Four winter wheat varieties with different disease resistance were sown in the field: ‘Berehynia myronivska’, ‘Hospodynia myronivska’, ‘Horlytsia myronivska’ and ‘Podolianka’ (originator – The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat NAAS of Ukraine). In the shooting phase, the crops were treated with fungicides Acanto Plus 28, Talius 20, Falcon 460 EC, and in the heading phase – Amistar Trio 255 EC, Tilt Turbo 575 EC, Vareon 520.

Results. During the period of milky stage, the technical effectiveness of the use of fungicides against powdery mildew was at the level of 72–100%, septoria leaf spot – 58–76, brown rust – 100%. The most effective option for fungicidal protection is the application of Acanto Plus 28 in the shooting phase + Amistar Trio 255 EC in the heading phase. Under such conditions, ‘Podolianka’ variety formed the maximum grain yield – 5.56 t/ha, the preserved yield was 0.75 t/ha. Greater yield increase (0.82–0.86 t/ha) was provided by ‘Horlytsia myronivska’ variety. The use of Acanto Plus 28 and Amistar Trio 255 EC fungicides also contributed to the formation of the best grain quality of the studied winter wheat varieties.

Conclusions. The varieties ‘Berehynia myronivska’ and ‘Podolianka’ formed the highest grain yield during the processing of crops with the fungicide Acanto Plus 28 in the shooting phase and Amistar Trio 255 EC in the heading phase, ‘Hospodynia myronivska’ – Falcon 460 EC + Vareon 520, variety ‘Horlytsia myronivska’ Talius 20 + Tilt Turbo 575 EC, respectively. The variety ‘Berehynia myronivska’ provides the best indicators of grain quality when using the fungicide Falcon 460 EC in the shooting phase and Vareon 520 in the heading phase, other varieties – Acanto Plus 28 + Amistar Trio 255 EC, respectively.


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Author Biographies

О. А. Заїма, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Zaima, O. A.

О. Л. Дергачов, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Derhachоv, O. L.


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How to Cite

Заїма, О. А., & Дергачов, О. Л. (2019). Yield and quality of soft winter wheat grain under diffe­rent types of crops treating with fungicides. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 15(2), 135–142. https://doi.org/10.21498/2518-1017.15.2.2019.173559

