On the issue of streamlining Ukrainian plant names. Information 11. Triticale (×Triticosecale Wittmack ex A. Camus)
nomenclature, ×Triticosecale, triticale, rye-wheat hybrids, wheat-rye hybridsAbstract
Purpose. The analysis of wheat and rye hybrids naming.
Results. Each botanical taxon, within certain limits, has to be of one correct name, which is initial and in the line with the requirements of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature for algae, mushrooms and plants. For Secale × Triticum hybrids, this name is ×Triticosecale. In 1899 Ludwig Wittmack introduced the name Triticosecale publishing it in the materials of the scientific society in Berlin. The publication did not contain references to the Latin names of parental genera, so this name became valid only after publication in 1927, when this disadvantage was corrected by Amy Camus. Other names (×Triticale, ×Tritisecale, ×Secalotricum, ×Secalotriticum) are of secondary priority to ×Triticosecale, as they were published later and therefore are superfluous. Nevertheless, the name Triticale has become widespread and is a common name for a new crop - triticale. In the Ukrainian and Russian specialized literature, the term triticale is used controversially as words of masculine, feminine or neuter genders, so the variety names are of different grammatical genders. The breeders successfully implemented direct and reciprocal crossing of several species of wheat and rye, giving many Latin names for triticale hybrids. Many of these names are formally similar to species names, but usually do not meet the requirements of the nomenclature code and are illegal. Only some of the proposed names are published, but they are not widely used in agronomic practice. At the same time, assigning illegal names to the new triticale hybrids that do not meet nomenclature requirements and increases confusion is still practiced.
Conclusions. According to the Rules of the Ukrainian language, the word triticale relates to the neuter grammar gender. It represents a new field crop and is the Ukrainian conformity to the nothogeneric name ×Triticosecale. Most species and sub-species names proposed by breeders for triticale do not meet the requirements of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature for algae, mushrooms and plants. For ordering the varietal diversity of triticale names, it is worthwhile to apply the recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, which standardizes the names of varieties and their groups.
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