Yield and seed productivity of pre-basic seed material depending potatoes on growing technology elements
potato, minitubers, yield, seed productivity, plant growth regulators, planting density, tuber fractionAbstract
Purpose. Development of growing technology elements of pre-basic seed material of potatoes using growth-regulating substances and various densities of minitubers of various fractions planting.
Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical.
Results. The influence of growth-regulating substances, landing patterns of minitubers on the yield and seed productivity of potato seed material improved by in vitro meristem was studied in the pre-basic seed production nursery garden of the Institute for Potato Research, NAAS in the southern part of Polissia of Ukraine in 2015–2016. The application of plant growth regulator Stimpo for various methods of application, the use of tubers of different sizes for planting and planting density ensured an increase in the yield of ‘Sluch’ variety within 0.4–3.7 t/ha or by 1.5–14.9%. The increase in the yield of potato tubers of ‘Strumok’ variety to the control mark with planting density of seed tubers of 28-60 mm fraction of 74.1 thousand plants/ha was 4.4 t/ha or 17.7%, with planting density of 66.7 thousand/ha - 5.6 t/ha or 22.2%.
Conclusions. It has been revealed that the planting density of 66.7 thousand/plants per 1 ha turned out to be the most effective planting density of improved planting tubers of ‘Sluch‘ variety in the zone of the southern Polissia, using fractions of 28–60 mm and < 28 mm in size using various methods of applying the plant growth regulators Regoplant, Stimpo. It has been established that spraying of plants and treatment of tubers belonging to ‘Strumok’ variety before planting with the PGR Stimpo contributed to the growth of seed tuber productivity especially when planting tubers with a fraction of 28–60 mm (planting density of 66.7 thousand plants/ha) with an increase to the control mark within 5.6 t/ha or 22.2% and small tubers with the same density – by 5.0 (23.5%).
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