Germination seeds of millet genotypes under the influences of PEG 6000 solution on the 3<sup>d</sup> and 6<sup>th</sup> days




millet, drought resistance, seed germination, root and shoot length


Purpose. To determine the drought resistance of five millet varieties (ʻOmriyaneʼ, ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ) using PEG 6000 as osmotic stress.

Methods. To obtain the effect of drought, five concentrations of PEG 6000 solutions were used: 0.0% (control), 11.5%, 15.3%, 19.6%, 23.5% and 28.9%, which corresponds to 0.0, 115, 153, 196, 235 and 289 g of solute in 1000 ml of distilled water or 0.0, -1.9, - 3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 and - 9.7 bar.

Results. Osmotic stress strongly suppressed the germination of millet seeds at -3.1 bars (46.8%) and at -4.8 bars (28.66%) on the third day, but on the sixth day the number of germinated seeds increased to 92.8% and 84.0% respectively. The millet genotypes of differed significantly in the percentage of germination at various concentrations of the PEG 6000 osmotic solution. The minimum germination capacity was observed in variety Omriyane at -3.1, - 4.8, - 6.6 bars. ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ showed higher germination potential at the different concentrations of water stress. A decrease in root elongation in all genotypes compared to control was observed in -1.9 bars osmotic stress and then at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of osmotic stress the root length had the same value from 6.6 mm to 13.5 mm on the 3d day and from 25.3 mm to 34.7 mm on the 6th day. Variety ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher mean root length at -3.1 and -4.8 bars of water stress induced by PEG on the 3d day (8,7 mm-12,5 mm) and on the 6th day (35.7 mm-32.3 mm). It is not observed shoot of millet at -9.7 bars on the 3d and on the 6th days. ʻKharkivske 57ʼ, ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻSlobozhanskeʼ showed higher individual shoot length of 23.1 mm, 25.5 mm, 25.6 mm, respectively at -4.8 bars of PEG 6000 on the 6th day. At -6.6 bars of osmotic stress ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ had lowest root length/shoot length ratio 2.58 and 2.61, respectively. Variety ʻOmriyaneʼ (3.54) and ʻIR 5ʼ (3.31) had the maximum deviation from unity (3.54 and 3.31, respectively).

Conclusions. Genotypes' ʻKonstantinоvskeʼ and ʻSlobozhanskeʼ, which showed a high level of drought resistance, were selected as a result of this study in breeding for drought resistance. Variety ʻIR 5ʼ, ʻKonstantinovskeʼ and ʻKharkivske 57ʼ were characterized highest seed germination percentage at the different water stress.


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Author Biographies

О. В. Горлачова, Plant Production Institute nd. by V.Y. Yuriev

O. V. Gorlachova

С. М. Горбачова, Plant Production Institute nd. by V.Y. Yuriev

S.N. Gorbachova

В. С. Лютенко, Plant Production Institute nd. by V.Y. Yuriev

V. S. Lutenko

О. В. Анциферова, Plant Production Institute nd. by V.Y. Yuriev

O. V. Anceferova


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How to Cite

Горлачова, О. В., Горбачова, С. М., Лютенко, В. С., & Анциферова, О. В. (2020). Germination seeds of millet genotypes under the influences of PEG 6000 solution on the 3&lt;sup&gt;d&lt;/sup&gt; and 6&lt;sup&gt;th&lt;/sup&gt; days. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 16(2), 154–161.

