Introduction and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. in Ukraine
Physalis L., introduction, ontomorphogenesis, biological and morphological features, biochemical composition, features of reproduction and introduction into cultureAbstract
Purpose. Development of scientific and applied foundations for the introduction, selection and use of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. to ensure food security in Ukraine.
Methods. Subject of study – plants of the genus Physalis. The study was conducted in 2014–2018. on the introduction plots of the department of cultural flora of the M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine (NBG). The work used general scientific and special methods: field, introduction, biological and morphological; laboratory (chemical, biochemical), statistical (methods of analysis of variance and statistical estimation of average data using Microsoft Excel (2010).
Results. The features of ontomorphogenesis were established, the biological and morphological parameters of plants of the species of the genus Physalis L. were investigated under conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe Ukraine. It was found that the content of dry matter in plant fruits varied from 10 to 18.34%, sugars – from 39.34 to 67.97%, tannins – 1.57 to 3.35% and carotene – from 0.200 to 0.583%, ascorbic acid – from 123.91 to 284.95 mg/100 g, depending on the species, varietal and shape characteristics.
Conclusions. It was found that the introduced plant species of the genus Physalis in conditions of culture have four age periods and 10 developmental states: seeds (se), sprouts (p), juvenile (j), immature (im), virginal (v), generative (g), subsenilny (ss) and senile (se). Ph. ixocarpa ‘Likhtaryk’ of the NBG selection was distinguished among the studied introduced species in terms of biological and morphological parameters and biochemical composition. The obtained data can be used for further research and determining the prospects for the introduction of these introduced species into a wide culture
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