Influence of nanofertilizers on the yield and quality of broccoli hybrids in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
broccoli, hybrid, nanofertilizer “5 element”, yield, qualitative indicatorsAbstract
Purpose. To study the features of the productivity formation of broccoli hybrids depending on the methods of application of “5 element” nanofertilizer in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical.
Results. With the introduction of “5 element” nanofertilizer, the head diameter of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid increased from 16.6 (var. 2) to 18.3 cm (var. 8), while in the control this indicator was 15.9 cm. The biggest head diameter in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ 18.9 and 18.7 cm was noted with foliar feeding with “5 element” nanofertilizer in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation and in the phase of the beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation. Accordingly, in the aforementioned variants, the head mass was 901 and 863 g, which is higher than the control (without treatment) by 166 and 128 g, or 22.3 and 17.4%.The highest yield of the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid was obtained in 8 and 7 variants of the experiment – 33.5 and 31.9 t/ha, respectively, the yield increase was 5.2 and 3.6 t/ha, or 18.4 and 12.7%. In the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ the highest yield (37.1 t/ha) was recorded when applying the “5 element” nanofertilizer in the 8th variant of the experiment, which is 6.6 t/ha higher than the control, or 21.6%. Compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid, the yield in this variant of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was 3.6 t/ha, or 9.7%. The diameter and weight of the head, as well as the yield of the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ were larger compared to the hybrid ‘Batavia F1’, due to its biological characteristics. A strong correlation (r = 0.97 and 0.96) was revealed between the yield and the diameter of the broccoli head in the ‘Batavia F1’ and ‘Orantes F1’ hybrids. The quality indicators of broccoli (dry matter, sum of sugars and vitamin C) in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid were higher compared to the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. A tendency towards a decrease in the concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli with an increase in the number of treatments with nanofertilizer “5 element” was revealed. The concentration of nitrates in the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid was lower in all variants of the experiment in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. The concentration of nitrates in the heads of broccoli in all variants of the experiment did not exceed TLV (400 mg/kg wet weight).
Conclusions. With an increase in the number of foliar treatments with “5 element” nanofertilizer, the yield increased and the quality of broccoli hybrids improved. It was revealed that the yield of the ‘Orantes F1’ hybrid in all variants of the experiment was higher in comparison with the ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid. When applying nanofertilizer “5 element” in three stages – foliar feeding in the phase of 4–6 leaves + beginning of head formation + 10–12 days after the beginning of head formation – we got the highest yield of broccoli in the hybrid ‘Orantes F1’ – 37.1 t/ha, an increase over the control variant (without fertilizers) was 6.6 t/ha, or 21.6%. The ‘Batavia F1’ hybrid had a yield of 33.5 t/ha, an increase over the control variant – 5.2 t/ha, or 18.4%.
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