Comprehensive evaluation of spring barley breeding lines in yield, stability and tolerance to biotic and abiotic factors under condition of the central part of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe
Hordeum vulgare L., genotype by environment interaction, complex of traits, AMMI, GGE biplot, GYT biplotAbstract
Purpose. Identification of spring barley promising breeding lines with combination of adaptive traits under conditions of the central part of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe.
Methods. Field trial, laboratory-field analysis of drought tolerance, statistical and graphical analysis of experimental data.
Results. The analysis of variance of the AMMI model showed that the largest contribution to the general variation (85.78%) had environmental conditions (years of research). The value of the genotype was 8.21%, and the genotype by environment interaction was 6.01%. The first and second principal components of both AMMI and GGE biplot explained more than 85% of the genotype-environment interaction. Spring barley breeding lines ‘Deficiens 5162’, ‘Nutans 5073’ and ‘Deficiens 5161’ had the superior combination of yield performance and relative stability through the years according to GGE biplot. With GYT biplot analysis it has been determined that the breeding lines ‘Deficiens 5162’ and ‘Nutans 5073’ also significantly predominated over the other genotypes in terms of combination of yield performance and a number of other traits – 1000 kernels weight, drought tolerance, resistance to pathogens. Breeding lines ‘Deficiens 5161’, ‘Nutans 4966’, ‘Nutans 4705’, ‘Nutans 4816’, ‘Nutans 5184’, ‘Nutans 5193’, which exceeded the mean value in the trial in terms of combination of yield performance and a number of adaptive traits may have practical significance in the breeding process for creation of new initial material.
Conclusions. As a result of the complex evaluation when using AMMI, GGE biplot and GYT biplot graphical models the breeding lines ‘Deficiens 5162’ and ‘Nutans 5073’ with the optimal combination of yield, stability, thousand kernel weight and tolerance to abiotic and biotic environmental factors have been identified
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