Adaptive variability of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) varieties




adaptive ability, stability, plasticity, morphometric parameters, yielding capacity


Purpose of the research was to estimate the state of varietal resources and adaptive-and-productive potential of basil plants.

Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical and calculation-analytical. The field work included marking out of the experimental plot and field work. The laboratory method was used to analyze plants, assess the quality of the crop, and study physical, chemical and microbiological properties of the soil. Statistical and analytical calculation methods were used to calculate the results.

Results. The varieties of ‘Temnyi Opal’, ‘MFI-2’, ‘Siaivo’ and ‘Badioryi’ where the regression coefficient was in the range of 0.57–0.78 can be included to the group of highly plastic varieties by the “commodity yield” feature according to the results of research.  The highest rate of breeding value by the “plant weight” trait was observed in the variety of ‘Temnyi Opal’, Sc = 347.22. The group of highly plastic varieties on the basis of “plant weight” trait included the varieties ‘Mister Barns’, ‘MFI-2’, ‘Rutan’, ‘Siaivo’ and ‘Badioryi’, where the regression coefficient was in the range of 0.91–0.99. The varieties ‘Temnyi Opal’, ‘Yerevanskyi’, ‘Ametyst’ and ‘Lymonnyi Aromat’ were classified as intensive. The regression coefficient of these varieties was in the range of 1.03–1.16. The analysis of the combination of high productivity, quantitative characteristics of the crop structure with the level of ecological plasticity and stability indicates different ways of these indicators formation in separate varieties. It was revealed that a high level of plasticity and yield stability did not guarantee a similar result on some quantitative features of its structure.

Conclusions. The degree of adaptability of basil varieties can also be assessed by the value of the parameters of features variation. The obtained results will allow more objectively assessing the adaptive-and-productive potential of varieties and qualitatively selecting initial forms for further breeding for adaptability.


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How to Cite

Kucher, I. (2021). Adaptive variability of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) varieties. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 17(4), 267–273.

