Level of manifestation and variability of grain number per spike in spring barley
Hordeum vulgare L., genotypic variation, phenotypic variation, heritability, homeostaticity, selection value, AMMI, GGE biplotAbstract
Purpose. To identify features of the level of manifestation and variability of grain number per spike in spring barley and reveal new genetic sources by combining increased and stable level of manifestation of the trait for breeding in the central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Methods. The research was conducted in 2018–2020 under conditions of the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat of NAAS. We studied 96 collection accessions of different subspecies and groups of spring barley varieties originating from 15 countries. A number of statistical parameters and graphical models were used.
Results. The ANOVA of the AMMI model revealed significantly higher part of contribution in the total phenotypic variation for every its component: growing season conditions (33.8–40.2%), genotype (35.2–48.9%), and genotype – environment interaction (17.3–29.3%). According to the homeostaticity (Homi) and breeding value (Sci) levels and GGE biplot visualizations, the samples were differentiated by the level of manifestation and variability of the trait and new genetic sources for barley breeding were identified. The coefficient of phenotypic variation ranged from low in two-rowed hulled samples (PCV = 9.60%) to near-high in hulless ones (PCV = 18.9%). High values of the coefficient of genotypic variation were found in hulless (GCV = 10.95%) and six-rowed samples (GCV = 13.28%). The coefficient of heritability of the trait varied from high (H2 = 79.4%) in two-rowed samples to near-low (H2 = 33.7%) in six-rowed samples. The expected genetic improvement ranged from middle in multi-row samples (GAM = 13.10%) to high in hulless samples (GAM = 23.51%).
Conclusions. Collection accessions combining increased grain number and its relative stability were identified, namely, two-rowed hulled ones ‘Tiver’ (UKR), ‘Almonte’ (CAN), ‘Despina’ (DEU), ‘Symbat’ (KAZ), ‘Smaragd’ (UKR), ‘Novator’ (UKR); two-rowed hulless ones ‘CDC Candle’ (CAN) and ‘Millhouse’ (CAN); multi-row hulled ones ‘AC Westech’ (CAN) and ‘AC Alma’ (CAN). The prospect of further research is to involve the selected accessions into creation of new source material and establish the peculiarities of the inheritance of grain number per spike, as well as to identify the relationship of this trait with other yield components.
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