Remote spectral analysis of varieties and lines of winter wheat during the flowering period
winter wheat, variety, breeding lines, flowering, NDVI index, spectral evaluationAbstract
Purpose. Conduct a spectral assessment of winter wheat varieties (‘MIP Assol’, ‘Balada Myronivska’, ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’, ‘MIP Yuvileina’, ‘MIP Lada’, ‘MIP Dniprianka’, and standard ‘Podolianka’) and perspective breeding lines (‘Erythrospermum 55023’, ‘Lutescens 22198’, ‘Lutescens 37519’, ‘Lutescens 60049’, ‘Lutescens 60107’) of Myronivka Institute breeding during the flowering period and to evaluate the dependence of the obtained NDVI indicator on their productivity.
Methods. The research was conducted during the 2018/19–2020/21 growing seasons in the breeding crop rotation of the winter wheat breeding laboratory of the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Wheat Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The main method of research is field, supplemented by analytical studies, measurements, calculations and observations. Obtaining values of vegetation indices of varieties and breeding lines of winter wheat was carried out using the Mavic zoom 2 UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) using the Parrot Sequoia multispectral camera. Pix4Dcapture and Pix4Dmapper programs were used to create an orthophoto map. Photographing was carried out with a multispectral camera at a height of 30 m above the level of the object under study in order to improve the quality of the orthophoto map with an overlap of 80% of the images and a time interval of 2 seconds. The NDVI index (normalized difference vegetation index) was calculated according to the appropriate formula.
Results. According to the research results, regardless of the conditions of the year, in the first, optimal sowing period (25.09–05.10), the NDVI indicator in the flowering-ripening phase of wheat had higher values than in the second, late period (05–15.10) (average value over three years for the first semester was 0.69, the second – 0.62). In the course of the research, we established the dependence of the vegetation index NDVI on the level of productivity of wheat genotypes. The best varieties and promising lines among those studied were ‘MIP Lada’, ‘Lutescens 55198’ and ‘Lutescens 60049’, as well as ‘MIP Assol’ and ‘Hratsiia Myronivska’, which were less sensitive to sowing dates and had a higher index and control of yield indicators even with late sowing dates.
Conclusions. Although existing today phenotyping methods need to be improved and localized, in the near future they will become an indispensable tool for the breeder, which will increase the volume of studied varieties and improve the quality of the results of morpho-biological analysis
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