Influence of sowing date on water consumption of oat varieties in the Steppe zone of Ukraine


  • А. О. Семяшкіна ДУ Інститут сільського господарства степової зони НААН України, Ukraine



oat, variety, sowing date, total water consumption, coefficient of water consumption


Purpose. Investigation of peculiarities of water consumption of oat varieties at different sowing dates under the conditions of insufficient and unstable moistening in the northern part of the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field, statistical, synthesis methods. Results. It was determined that Skakun variery has used the maximum amount of water not only at optimal sowing date but also in case of its shifting that was caused by its longer growing season. Total water consumption during the growing season was 3189–2826 m3/ha. Kubanskyi variety has used the smallest amount of water – 2976 m3/ha in case of optimal sowing date and 2632 m3/ha when sowing date was shifted by 15 days. Synelnykivskyi 1321 variety in terms of total water consumption occupied an intermediate position between the estimated varieties – it has used 3069 m3/ha moisture at optimal sowing date and 2,732 m3/ha in case of its shifting by 15 days. Conclusions. In the northern part of the Steppe zone of Ukraine, effective use of available moisture is determined by the capacity of some varieties to adapt to growing conditions with unfavourable water regime. Synelnykivskyi 1321 variety was the most drought-resistant one among evaluated varieties. Skakun variety had average drought-resistance. Optimal sowing date is the most suitable for this area. Later oat planting resulted in reducing of total water consumption and increasing of water-use ratio. Moisture can be consumed by oat the most effectively in case of optimal sowing date and higher level of natural water supply.


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Author Biography

А. О. Семяшкіна, ДУ Інститут сільського господарства степової зони НААН України

А. О. Semiashkina


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How to Cite

Семяшкіна, А. О. (2015). Influence of sowing date on water consumption of oat varieties in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (1-2(26-27), 61–66.

