Developing a method of rapid diagnosis of the photosynthetic apparatus status of sugar beet plants based on chlorophyll fluorescence intensity




rapid diagnosis, chlorophyll fluorescence intensity, sugar beet


Chloropyll fluorescence intensity dependence  on biological features of sugar beet hybrids and plant growth stages is described. Accuracy of a method of rapid diagnosis of the photosynthetic apparatus status of sugar beet plants are evaluated.


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Author Biographies

О. І. Присяжнюк, Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet, NAAS of Ukraine

О. I. Prysiazhniuk

І. І. Коровко, Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beet NAAS

I. I. Коrovko


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How to Cite

Присяжнюк, О. І., & Коровко, І. І. (2014). Developing a method of rapid diagnosis of the photosynthetic apparatus status of sugar beet plants based on chlorophyll fluorescence intensity. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (3(24), 72–76.

