Combining ability of tetraploid pollinator lines of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell) by the elements of productivity
combining ability, additive and non additive effects of genes, yield, sugar content, hybridAbstract
Evaluation of the genetic component values considered to be the important part of the selection process on creating hybrids of sugar beet and The aim of the study is to determine tetraploid pollinators combining ability Bilotserkovskoy breeding on yield and sugar content and the genetic determination of the productivity elements and their phenotypic manifestations in first generation hybrids of sugar beet. The methods of test crossing on the type top cross of pollen sterile lines of Uuladivsky and Ivanovsky origin and stabilized ployidnistyu tetraploid pollinators of beet sugar Belotserkovskoy selection on yielding of sugar beet tetraploid pollinators of Bilotserkovskoy breeding have been applied. A key role belongs to non additive gene effects in gene structure of characteristics variability yielding has been determined.The part of additive gene action pollinators is predominant in genetic control of top cross hybrids sugar content. The 16 hybrid combinations are differentiated by their parental components combining ability. Pollinators of 1007 ( the yield ) and 1013 ( for the sugar content) have been characterized by their valuable additive gene complexes. Perspective hybrid combinations for their further breeding study are revealed, genetic determination of productivity elements and sugar yield is defined Analysis of gene interactions in sugar beet hybrids confirms the theory of genetic balance MV TurbineDownloads
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