The international methodological requirements to the varieties selection with example characteristics


  • Н. П. Костенко Ukraine Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Ukraine
  • О. А. Стадніченко Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination, Ukraine



collection, a commonly familiar variety, example variety, candidate variety, characteristics, morphological description, characteristics identifying, quali- fied examination, uniformity, difference, identification, phenotype


The article proves that a number of international legal documents revealing a common approach to scientific and methodological providing of qualified examination execution of new plant varieties, patent protection to plants variety are made. Adherence to common methodological approach will promote harmonized description varieties at international level. Criteria to the varieties with example characteristics are considered in detail according to the provisions of the International Convention for the New Plants Varieties Protection, UPOV technical standards. A collection of varieties with example characteristics are formed by the collection of commonly familiar varieties possessing one or more stable characteristics that can be applied as a example for comparison of new varieties used in the qualified examination of the candidate variety uniformity. The requirements to the example variety formation and their using, definitely, the seed samples presence, its morphological description, the marked example characteristics identifying to the botanical taxon are revealed.


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Author Biographies

Н. П. Костенко, Ukraine Institute for Plant Variety Examination

N. Kostenko

О. А. Стадніченко, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

O. Stadnіchenko


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How to Cite

Костенко, Н. П., & Стадніченко, О. А. (2013). The international methodological requirements to the varieties selection with example characteristics. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (4(21), 62–68.

