Productivity of seed agrocenosis of common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) at varying so­ ing w terms and techniques under the conditions of Right- Bank Forest-Steppe




time of sowing, sowing method, variety, seed yield and quality


The objective of the research is to improve the techno­logy of growing high-quality seeds of millet broomcorn by means of the optimization of sowing terms and methods, aimed at increasing its productivity and improving seed qualities under conditions of unstable moistening of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Scientific literature review indicates the study of the influence of these technology elements on the formation of sowing qualities and crop capacity of millet seeds has been of schematic and occasional nature. The issue has not been studied in this region condition at all, that is why the research has considerable significance and novelty. Analysis, observations and calculations were done by means of conventional methods. Research results indicate that under conditions of unstable moistening of the southern part of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine the highest yield of Slobozhanske and Lana varieties was reached at sowing in drills – 39.2 and 41.0 metric centners per hectare, respectively. That was 2.4 and 3.9 metric centners per hectare increase against the wide-row sowing. In the years with optimal hydrothermal conditions maximum seed productivity of millet broomcorn at the level of 4.24 to 4.79 metric tons per hectare (Slobozhanske variety) and 4.53 to 5.28 metric tons per hectare (Lana variety) was observed at postponing the sowing terms to the third decade of May. If atypical for the region hydrothermal conditions (drought or excessive moistening) are forecasted du­ ring the vegetation period of millet, the highest productivity is provided by sowing in the second decade of May. Early sowing in the first decade of May causes decrease in yield at the level of 0.14 to 0.48 metric tons per hectare (Slobozhanske variety) and 0.14 to 0.48 metric tons per hectare (Lana variety); if the sowing is postponed to the first decade of June, the yield increases by 0.31 to 0.77 and 0.39 to 0.84 metric tons per hectare, respectively. Early spring and summer sowing using ordinary drill method contribute to the formation of the highest qua­ lity of seeds – the overall quality index was the highest at the level of 97,9 to 98,5% (Slobozhanske variety) and 98,3 to 100,0% (Lana variety).


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Author Biography

С. П. Полторецький, Uman National University of Horticulture

S. Poltoretskyi


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How to Cite

Полторецький, С. П. (2013). Productivity of seed agrocenosis of common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) at varying so­ ing w terms and techniques under the conditions of Right- Bank Forest-Steppe. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (3(20), 30–36.

