Seed quality and productive characteristics of O-type sugar beet lines under low temperatures


  • В. В. Поліщук Уманський національний університет садівництва, Ukraine



hybrids, sugar beets, O-type lines, productivity, viability, germination capacity, reduced temperatures.


500 O-type lines of sugar beet hybrid components were studied according to their main economically valuable characteristics, namely, one-seed structure, germination readiness, productivity, sugar content and sugar yield. 13 best features were determined, herewith one-seed structure of most tested genotypes was observed at the level of 92-99% which appeared to be of nearly the same level during all the years of the research. On that ground they were included into the program for further research. The weight of seeds of the researched numbers ranged from 13,3 to 22,2 gr. The productivity of the researched O-type lines varied from 40,1 to 45,2 tons per hectare. Herewith, the highest productivity index was observed in 664bk 6 line with the average index 42,7 tons per hectare which ensured sugar yield 7,59 tons per hectare. The results of the research into the influence of low temperatures on seed germination readiness and capacity of O-type sugar beet lines were given. All the researched materials readily respond to conditions of germination and the seed germination readiness and germination capacity directly depend on the temperature. However, high indices of seed germination readiness and capacity under low temperatures is an essential feature of parent breeding materials in the breeding process while creating new hybrids which can be grown by means of intensive technologies. This will make it possible to sow heterosis sugar beet hybrids in earlier terms. It was suggested to use the best lines as parent components for development of heterosis hybrids which are able to ensure seed germination under low temperatures.


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Author Biography

В. В. Поліщук, Уманський національний університет садівництва

V. Polishchuk


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How to Cite

Поліщук, В. В. (2013). Seed quality and productive characteristics of O-type sugar beet lines under low temperatures. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(19), 20–22.

