New varieties of annual aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees) by Ukrainian breeding


  • Л. О. Шевель Інститут садівництва НААН, Ukraine



China aster, variety, inflorescence, flower, flowering, ornamentality, productivity, breeding, variety studying


The article highlights the state of breeding and variety studying for Callistephus chinensis in Ukraine and, in particular, in the Horticulture Institute of NAA, and offers the summary of studying the growth and development aspects for Callistephus, various varieties productivity level, their response to specific set of weather and climatic conditions. The research objectives and methods for their achieving are disclosed, as well the requirements a variety shall comply with, namely: reaching homozygote state, distinctness and ornamentality, fusariose and weather conditions resistance. 11 descriptions for new varieties of annual aster (Anastasia, Angelina, Litnia Nich, Lybid, Oksamyt, Samanta, Sofia, Snizhana, Flamingo , Shokoladka, Tsarivna) as bred by the Horticulture Institute of NAAS were provided, namely by identification and economic and biologic characteristics, these varieties are listed in the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine.


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Author Biography

Л. О. Шевель, Інститут садівництва НААН

L. Shevel


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How to Cite

Шевель, Л. О. (2013). New varieties of annual aster (Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees) by Ukrainian breeding. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(19), 62–65.

