Agriculture in Ancient and its influence on Development of Agronomics and Welfare of the States


  • В. В. Шелепов Національна наукова сільськогосподарська бібліотека, Ukraine
  • О. В. Бачкала Національна наукова сільськогосподарська бібліотека, Ukraine



сільське господарство, давнина, стародавні люди, зародження землеробства, стародавні держави, вчені-філософи в давнині, цивілізація


On the basis of literary sources history of origin and development of agriculture is rotined in Ancient. The first Civilizations arose up on fat streamside lands of the large rivers: Nile, Euphrates, tiger, Inda, Ganga and other Earths and plenty of water are fertile during an overflow, a warm climate allowed to Ancient civilizations to grow 2-3 harvests in a year. For the receipt of high harvests, a man had to study the modes of overflow of the rivers, look after heavenly bodies, determine the areas of scopes and terms of leadthrough of the field works. The decision of these questions resulted in the origin of agronomics, astronomy, mathematics. Large harvests were instrumental in the origin of peculiar, enriching of the states, to development of trade and culture on the whole. Riches of country and overpopulation resulted in the origin of wars which one states perished as a result of, second – blossomed. Scientists consider that a high culture, intensive exploitation of soils and aggressiveness of man, brought the most Ancient Civilizations over to the ecological crisis and their elimination.


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Author Biographies

В. В. Шелепов, Національна наукова сільськогосподарська бібліотека

Shelepov, V.

О. В. Бачкала, Національна наукова сільськогосподарська бібліотека

Bachkala, O.


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How to Cite

Шелепов, В. В., & Бачкала, О. В. (2011). Agriculture in Ancient and its influence on Development of Agronomics and Welfare of the States. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (2(12), 80–86.

