Biological and morphological properties of myrobalan plum as the basis for the identification of cultivars and expertizing the concerning differentiation, homogeneity and stability
сорт, морфологія, ідентифікація, експертиза, вирізняльність, однорідність, стабільність, дерево, листя, плоди, пагони, вміст речовинAbstract
The authors presents the results of the collectional, primary and promotional investigation of the myrobalan plum large-fruited introduced and "tome cultivars under the conditions of the Ukraine's Southern Polissya and Northern Lisosteppe. On the background of the best standard cv <ubans’ka kometa a number of promise cultivars with both red and yellow fruits has been singled out to be introduced in the farm orchards of differ- ant forms of property. These cultivars are characterized with different Opening terms and purpose of fruits use.Downloads
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