Promising new varieties in food corn assortment
food corn, starch, sweet corn, carriers of endospermic mutations su1, se, sh2, wx, variety, hybridAbstract
Purpose. Reporting peculiarities of new forms of edible corn and prospects for their use in food production that have been created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production on the base of the environmentally friendly method that uses biochemical effects of natural mutations of corn grain endosperm structure. Methods. Field study, laboratory analysis, mathematical and statistical evaluation. Results. Original series of inbred lines as well as promising varieties and hybrids of sugar and waxy corns were obtained. Varieties and hybrids are universally usable for obtaining both fresh and canned products, characterized by good taste, provide yields of up to 10 tons per hectare of commercial products and aimed to grow in various soil and climatic conditions. Brief economic and morphological characteristics of corn varieties and hybrids created jointly by scientists from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS and Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production were given. Conclusions. The use of biochemical effect of natural mutations of endosperm structure is cost-effective and environmentally friendly method for creating lines, varieties and hybrids of corn for direct consumption and processing into food products. ‘Biliavka’, ‘Nika’ varieties and ‘Binom F1’, ‘Solo F1’, ‘Twister F1’ hybrids created with the help of this method are promising for commercial use
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