Biological peculiarities of stem softwood cuttings of ornamental garden plants and their use in landscaping




species, family, root formation, part of a shoot, biologically active substance (KANO), completion of growing


Purpose. To study biological peculiarities of softwood cuttings of three species of ornamental garden plants of the Hydrangeaceae family introduced under the conditions of a botanical nursery of Uman National University of Horticulture, and the prospects of planting material use in landscaping.

Methods. Field study, laboratory test, statistical and mathematical analysis.

Results. Bioecological and ornamental peculiarities of grafters of investigated species and their preservation for supplying the store of initial plant graft material were studied. The dependence of regeneration ability of softwood cuttings of investigated varieties on preplant treatment by a biologically active substance (KANO), type of a shoot, time of grafting, etc was analyzed. Substantially intensive rooting of basal drafts with three nods and less intensive rooting of apical drafts was observed during the whole period of rooting.

Conclusions. The treatment of softwood cuttings with a biologically active substance at the concentration of 10–15 mg/l in the aqueous solution stimulates root formation and activates growth of own root plants. Investigated plant species of Hydrangeaсeae family are promising for landscaping on urbanized areas of various functional use.


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Author Biography

Т. В. Мамчур, Uman National University of Horticulture

Mamchur, T. V.


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How to Cite

Мамчур, Т. В. (2016). Biological peculiarities of stem softwood cuttings of ornamental garden plants and their use in landscaping. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, (3(32), 78–84.

