On streamlining the Ukrainian names of plants. Information 9. Writing the names of plant varieties as objects of scientific and agricultural activities
cultivated plants, variety/cultivar, name/denomination, International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, UPOV, CPVOAbstract
Purpose. To conduct the historical analysis of the practice of writing varieties names and other denominations of cultivated plants and development of relevant international rules and recommendations.
Results. The need to normalize the names of cultivated plants has matured in the horticultural environment more than a century and a half ago and was realized by the development of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. During that period, the Code was expanded and improved, and now the IXth edition of the nomenclatural rules is valid. This nomenclature code has no legal status and is based on the voluntary consent of specialists to follow it for nomenclature stability, which is extremely important in international communication among scientists and businesspersons. International agreements for protection of plant breeder’s rights have been signed that is legally effective. Relevant rules have been developed governing the features of the creation, registration and operation of names of varieties and trademarks that relate to varieties as commercial objects.
Conclusions. The rules developed by horticulturists and botanists for naming cultivated plants have some differences with the rules for denomination of varieties as objects of intellectual property, which should be resolved for harmonization and increasing the effectiveness of scientific and economic activities. Knowledge of the nomenclature code and UPOV documents will assist the breeder in his professional activity.
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