Factor model of formation of seed and green mass productivity in white lupine plants
Lupinus albus, breeding, factor analysis, seed productivity, green mass productivityAbstract
Purpose. To study peculiarities of forming yield of seeds and green mass in white lupine. To identify the system of relationships between some elements of productivity and each factor share in the total variance of productive capacity for developing breeding programs to create varieties for different uses
Methods. Field investigation, laboratory tests, statistical analysis.
Results. After processing initial data that concerned parameters of structural elements of seed and green mass yield among multiplicity characteristics of studied plants, new key factors were identified which were characterized by a number of basic traits. In terms of seed productivity, five key factors were defined that cause over 86% of the total variability. The first factor described the productivity of laterals, the second one – the productivity of the central raceme, the third one – redistribution of assimilates between vegetative and reproductive organs, the fourth one – microredistribution of assimilates in beans; the fifth one – the ability to form productive beans. Due to the analysis of the structure of green mass productivity traits, four key factors were defined that described over 85% of the total variability: the first factor – the general growth and development; the second one – the productivity of laterals; the third one – feeding value; the fourth one – the productivity of central raceme. Factor model allowed to identify basic traits and share of each system associated with a particular factor in the formation of the complex trait of the general plant productivity of white lupine.
Conclusions. The factor model of the white lupine seed productivity formation included five key factors. The process of formation of vegetative productivity is characterized by four key factors. The variety factor model can be used for parental forms selection and assessment of new hybrid material.
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