Identification traits of secondary triticale genotypes for the use in breeding and plant growing
selection, triticale of winter, identification signsAbstract
Purpose. To create and study genotypes of the secondary triticale of the hexaploid level for their effective use in further breeding and plant growing.
Methods. Field study, laboratory analyses, intraspecific hybridization with subsequent individual selection.
Results. New genotypes of the secondary triticale of the hexaploid level have been created and characterized for economic characters and agroecological traits and properties. Series of short-stem winter triticale was represented by ‘Pshenychne’, ‘Chaian’ to be adapted to the conditions of both intensive and organic farming. They are characterized by high drought resistance and winter hardiness, resistance to lodging, grain shedding, grain germination in the spike and spike fragility as well as by immunity to fungal diseases providing a high level of yield and technological quality of grain. The following new constant forms of triticale as ‘ПС_1-12’, ‘ПС_2-12’, ‘ПС_3-12’, that have an average height of the stem and belong to the Polissia-Forest-Steppe and Forest-Steppe ecotypes, demonstrated high productivity and adaptability in organic farming, particularly in case of the use of biologized elements of agrotechnology.
Conclusions. For the creation a new parent material during breeding of hexaploid triticale, the method of intraspecific hybridization is desirable with the use of parent material to be contrasting for eco-geographical origin and adapted local forms, followed by individual selection of genotypes with the desired characteristics and properties in cleavable hybrid populations. New genotypes of the secondary triticale have been created and characterized for breeding, genetic and agroecological traits and properties. In breeding practice, it is advisable to use a whole new approach of agroecological and genetic certification of genotypes for the effective solution of a number of theoretical and practical tasks facing modern ecological and adaptive breeding. New parent material of the secondary winter triticale and scientific support for its cultivation is proposed for further breeding and plant growing.
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