Variability of seed quality indices in soft spring wheat depending on weather conditions
bread spring wheat, weather conditions, grain quality indicesAbstract
Purpose. To study the effect of weather conditions on grain quality in soft spring wheat lines that are undergoing competitive variety trial. To identify indices to be least affected by weather conditions. To investigate the correlation dependence between grain quality indices in the years with contrasting weather conditions and conduct the analysis of variance.
Methods. Parameters of grain and flour quality of bread spring wheat lines were determined using conventional methods at the laboratory of grain quality of V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine, protein content in flour was measured with the use of the SPECTRAN 119M device.
Results. Contrasting weather conditions were considered including arid ones (2013) – that had negative effect on 1000 kernel weight, but at the same time positively influenced the averaged grain quality indices; with excess humidity (2014) – they resulted in decreasing of all technological indices; optimal ones (2015) – allowed to obtain maximum indices of grain and flour quality. Paired coefficients of correlation between different parameters of grain and flour quality were calculated. The most number of strong and medium correlations was found in a dry year (33.3%), the smallest one – in a wet year (13.0%). Such indices as flour strength, dough dilution and protein content depended on the conditions of the growing year least of all. Grain-unit response was the most considerable to the humid conditions of the year. The analysis of variance showed that climatic conditions had significant effect on the quality indices of grain and flour. At the same time, an important genotypic component was revealed in indices of dough resilience (63%), bread volume and rating (61 and 53% respectively), the flour strength (42%), crude gluten quality (33%), bread porosity (30%). With climate variations, the genotypic conditionality of the content of protein and especially crude gluten was expressed insignificantly.
Conclusions. When creating high quality cultivars, plant breeders should be guided by such indices as flour strength, dough resilience, gluten quality, bread volume and rating as only they are more genetically determined
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