Breeding indices of spring wheat varieties




spring wheat, breeding indices, correlation, varieties


Purpose. To establish the most effective index figures for determination of breeding value of spring wheat genotypes.

Methods. Field and statistical ones. Index of prospectivity – IP, Finno-Scandinavian index – FSI, Mexican index – MI, Bila Tserkva index – BI, Poltava index – PI, index of spike linear density – ISLD, index of spike density – ISD were defined.

Results. During the investigation period, weather conditions differed from the long-term average annual indices for temperature regime, amount of precipitation and its distribution by month. Conditions of the growing season was the most favorable in 2016 (HTC = 1.1), insufficient level of humidity was specific for 2017 (HTC = 0.2). This allowed to define breeding indices for the soft wheat and spring durum wheat growing under different conditions. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the IP varied both in varieties and over the years, that indicated a various response of genotypes to vegetation conditions that existed during the growing years. Varieties of durum wheat ‘Slavuta’ and soft spring wheat ‘Struna myronivska’ were characterized by the high FSI. Such durum wheat varieties as ‘MIP Magdalena’, ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Kuchumivka’, ‘Kharkivska 41’, as well as the following soft spring varieties as ‘MIP Zlata’, ‘Oksamyt myronivskyi’, ‘Struna myronivska’, ‘Elehiya myronivska’ had a high level of MI. The spring wheat varieties have the highest indices of LSD and BI in 2016. IP during the investigation period was ranging from 2.3 to 4.5 in durum wheat varieties and from 2.2 to 6.4 in soft spring wheat. In breeding, it is important to use breeding indices, which should be included on the basis of traits that have a reliable correlation with yield index. SD indices (r = 0.53±0.08), BI (r = 0.42±0.08), MI (r = 0.41±0.08) were the most effective for durum spring wheat varieties in the year to be the best for humidification (2016), while PI (r = 0.39±0.07; r = 0.34±0.07 respectively) was the most effective for the soft wheat in 2016 and 2017. For the complex of breeding indices, the varieties of soft spring wheat (‘Struna myronivska’, ‘Simkoda myronivska’, ‘MIP Zlata’) and durum (MIP Mahdalena’, ‘MIP Raiduzhna’, ‘Slavuta’, ‘Kuchumivka’) were defined.

Conclusions. The indices SD, BI, MI were the most effective for durum spring wheat varieties and PI – for soft wheat. Selected spring wheat varieties showed the optimum ratio between investigated traits.


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Author Biographies

С. О. Хоменко, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Khomenko, S. O.

В. С. Кочмарський, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Kochmarskyi, V. S.

І. В. Федоренко, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Fedorenko, I. V.

М. В. Федоренко, The V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat, NAAS of Ukraine

Fedorenko, M. V.

Т. М. Хоменко, Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination

Khomenko, T. M.


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How to Cite

Хоменко, С. О., Кочмарський, В. С., Федоренко, І. В., Федоренко, М. В., & Хоменко, Т. М. (2017). Breeding indices of spring wheat varieties. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 13(4), 367–372.

