Stages of creating the new high-yielding bread winter wheat variety ‘MIP Valensiia’
bread winter wheat, variety, mutagen, yield, resistanceAbstract
Purpose. To substantiate the main stages of creating a highly productive ‘MIP Valensiia’ variety using induced mutagenesis.
Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical ones. Seeds of first-generation hybrids were treated with mutagenic factors of chemical NEU (nitrozoethyl urea), NMU (nitrozomethyl urea), DAB (1,4-bis-diazoacetylbutane), DMS (dimethyl sulfate), HA (hydroxylamine) and physical nature – gamma rays 100 and 150 Gr.
Results. For creation of the winter wheat genotypes and increasing the incidence of plants with improved valuable properties, hybridization was carried out each year, which components of crossing differed morphologically. During the years of research in the nurseries F3M2–F5M4, the best offspring were selected. On the basis of phenological observations, biometric data and visual assessments of grain, the most number of offspring forms were obtained in 2006 (2877 pcs), 2007 (2237 pcs), 2009 (2196 pcs), 2015 (2133 pcs), the least ones – in 2011 (448 pcs). Conducting such studies during the last 10 years has contributed to the creation of a number of valuable genotypes, lines and varieties. As a result of breeding work with hybrid-mutant populations, a number of lines have been identified that are currently being investigated during competitive trial, in agronomic experiment to determine the response of genotype to sowing dates and predecessors. Thus, the lines ‘Erythrospermum 37328’, ‘Erythrospermum 37337’ exceeded the standard by 0.9 t/ha and 1.12 t/ha. Bread winter wheat variety ‘MIP Valensiia’ (‘Erythrospermum 37328’) has been created by the method of individual selection of spike in F3M4 from a hybrid-mutant population of such varieties as ‘Yermak’ / ‘Demetra’ + NMU 0,005%. The variety is recommended to be entered in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine in 2018. The results of the State variety testing in Ukraine in 2017 indicate that in the Forest-Steppe zone the highest yield was obtained in Cherkasy (9.11 t/ha) and Vinnytsia Oblast state centers of plant varieties examination (OSCPVE) (9.08 t/ha). In the Polissia zone, the maximum yield of the variety was in Zhytomyr (6.99 t/ha) and Ivano-Frankivsk (6.94 t/ha) OSCPVE. In the Steppe zone, the highest yield of the ‘MIP Valensiia’ variety was recorded in Dnipropetrovsk (7.39 t/ha) OSCPVE.
Conclusions. Involving modern breeding methods, experimental mutagenesis in particular, allows to obtain mutant forms and varieties that can be used in winter wheat breeding and production.
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