A new variety of soft winter wheat ‘Horlytsia myronivska’
soft winter wheat, variety, genealogy, yield, winter hardiness, drought resistance, quality indicatorsAbstract
Purpose. To consider the stages of creation and characteristics of a new variety ‘Horlytsia myronivska’ for biological properties and economic characters.
Methods. Field, mathematical and statistical ones.
Results. The variety was created by the method of hybridization from crossing the varieties of ‘Demeter’ and ‘Krymka odeska’. Genealogy of the variety includes the genotypes of varieties of the Western Europe ‘NS-2699’ (Yugoslavia), ‘Sadovo syper’ (Bulgaria), ‘MV-103’ (Hungary), ‘Moscowska 60’ (Russia) and bred by the V. M. Remeslo Myronivka Institute of Wheat (MIW) ‘Lutescens 10795’ (synonym of ‘Mironivska 27’). It belongs to erythrospermum subvariety. During studies in МІW and establishments of the Ukrainian Institute of Variety Examination it was established that the variety is resistant to lodging, shedding and drought. Over the years of investigation, the variety showed resistance to powdery mildew and brown rust (8.3–8.7 points), root rot (8.1–8.4 points) and fusarium spike (8.1–8.7 points). The productivity potential of the variety is high (10.6–10.9 t/ha). Wheat is valuable for indicators of grain quality. The best predecessors for the variety are corn for green fodder, green-manured fallow (mustard) and peas. During sowing on September 25 and October 5, the variety showed significant results and the highest advantages for all predecessors, with the exception of maize for silage.
Conclusions. It is established that the variety had a set of economic characters and properties, due to which it is genetically able to compensate the high production costs for its growing.
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