Symbiotic description for alfalfa (<i>Medicago</i> L.) genotypes and their variability
alfalfa, tubers, bacterotherapy, mass, selectionAbstract
Purpose. To make an assessment of the alfalfa selective material according to the intensity of the nodule-forming process and find the correlation with nitrogenase activity. Identify the best genotypes for use in practical breeding.
Methods. Vegetative, statistical.
Results. Conventional varieties of alfalfa according to the number and size of root nodules were analyzed. The variations in the number of nodules were described. In selections, the amount of medium and large nodules (1 mm and bigger in size) increases and the bacterial mass increases too in comparison with the initial forms. Inoculated plants formed 7.6–44.5% more nodules, in comparison to the reference group. Varieties differ in the number of formed nodules of 1 mm and bigger in size with a variation from 19.3 to 82.9%. The nodules on the root system have specific locations. Interest for further selection related to populations: ‘Unitro’, ‘Dobir № 3 – Spr. 2’, ‘Dobir № 5 – Кs.-2007’, which formed 81.2–99.4% of medium and large nodules and 22.7–27.3% of them were located on the main root. The intensity of the nodule-forming process is determined by the degree of root system development. With the increasing of the root system power, the more nodules are formed on it. The level of nitragenase activity depends on the developmental capacity of the alfalfa root system, total number of nodules in sizes of 1–2 mm and > 2 mm.
Conclusions. It is established that the size of the symbiotic apparatus depends not only on the number of nodules, but on its mass too. The intensity of the nodule-forming process is determined by the capacity of the root system. With the increase in the volume of the root system, as a result, more nodules are formed. High correlation coefficients were found between the level of nitrogenase activity, the root system thickness and the total number of nodules on alfalfa plants, including fractions 1–2 mm, > 2 mm.
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