Analysis of electrophoretic spectra of zeins for the evaluation of the genetic diversity of maize lines (<i>Zea mays</i> (L.) Merr.)
polymorphism of reserve proteins, PAGE electrophoresis, genetic distances, relative electrophoretic mobility, maize, zeinAbstract
Purpose. To evaluate zein electrophoretic spectra of maize lines in order to create the panel for certification.
Methods. Electrophoresis of reserve proteins, cluster analysis.
Results. Findings of investigations of maize line 31 on reserve proteins in seeds using electrophoretic separation of zein components are presented. Based on the determination of the relative electrophoretic mobility of zeins, it was found that the studied maize lines are homogeneous and have differences in zeins component composition, which allows to identify them. It was defined that the most similar lines were ‘ДК744’ and ‘ДК298’, ‘ДК3070’ and ‘ДК633/325’, ‘PLS61’ and ‘Chi31’ in which more spectra with the same relative electrophoretic mobility were revealed. The unique components of zein 96, 32 and 41 are determined in the studied lines ‘ДК267’, ‘ДК129-4’ and ‘ДК236’. Cluster analysis allowed to define that the lines ‘ДК315’, ‘ДК267’ and ‘ДК276’ were at the greatest distance from all the studied lines. According to genetic distances, a sufficient level of similarity (300–400) for zein spectra is noted between lines of Iodent and Lancaster germplasms.
Conclusions. For evaluation of maize gene pool, it is advisable to use the method of electrophoresis of reserve proteins, because it allows to evaluate their homogeneity and define the level of genetic kinship. It is defined that the most distant lines among the studied ones are ‘ДК315’, ‘ДК267’ and ‘ДК276’. It has been established that the well-known reference lines ‘PLS61’ and ‘Chi31’ formed a separate cluster. Thus, the use of the method of electrophoresis of reserve proteins allowed to define the most distant lines with common type of germplasm and identify similar components of zein in lines of different genoplasm.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Л. М. Присяжнюк, Т. М. Сатарова, С. О. Ткачик, Ю. В. Шитікова, Б. В. Дзюбецький, Ю. О. Гончаров

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