Differences in the alternate varieties of soft wheat for <i>Vrn</i>-1 genes of development type
Triticum aestivum L., alternate varieties, vernalization, genotype, earing, Vrn-1 genesAbstract
Purpose. To study the response to vernalization and to identify Vrn-1 genotypes of modern alternate soft wheat varieties of various origins.
Methods. Temporal vernalization, hybridological analysis of the development type according to the Vrn-1 gene system, dispersion and correlation analyses, criterion c2 for assessing the correspondence of the actual splitting results to the theoretical hypothesis.
Results. Alternate varieties vary considerably in the length of the period before earing under field conditions of autumn sowing and under plants cultivation after 10–40 days vernalization and without it on the growing area under the natural day. The varieties ‘Shestopalovka’ and ‘Demir 2000’ for the transition to generative development (earing) require 30 and 40 days vernalization of green sprouts at +2 °С. The varieties ‘Solomiia’ and ‘Khutorianka’ did not react to a prior vernalization during both years of study. The control line ‘Mironovskaya 808 Vrn-B1a’ and the ‘Zimoiarka’ variety responded with a reliable reduction of the duration period before earing on the vernalization – 10, ‘Afina’, ‘Lastochka’, ‘Pallada’, ‘L897Y23’ – 10–20 and ‘Yara’ – 10–30 days. Comparison of split in spring and winter genotypes of the F2 populations of diallele and test-cross interbreeding allowed identifying of five groups of Vrn-1 genotypes with different genetic control type of development. The varieties ‘Shestopalovka’ and ‘Demir 2000’ are carriers of only the recessive alleles Vrn-A1b, Vrn-B1b, Vrn-D1b. In the genotype of the varieties ‘Zimoiarka’ and ‘Khutorianka’ there are two dominant genes Vrn-A1a and Vrn-B1a. Other varieties carriers of only one gene Vrn-1: ‘Solomiia’ – Vrn-A1a gene, ‘Pallada’ and ‘Yara’ – Vrn-B1a, ‘Afina’, ‘Lastochka’ and ‘L897Ya23’ – the Vrn-D1a gene.
Conclusions. The varieties ‘Shestopalovka’ and ‘Demir 2000’ are of winter genotypes. Varieties ‘Afina’, ‘Lastochka’, ‘L897Ya23’, ‘Zimoiarka’, ‘Solomiia’, ‘Khutorianka’, ‘Pallada’, ‘Yara’ are spring and they achieve earing under spring sowing without vernalization. From the view point of genetic control of development type the varieties ‘Pallada’ and ‘Yara’ correspond to the “typical” alternate criteria, but the final conclusion can be made after studying the photoperiod reaction of these genotypes.
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