Selection value of sources of valuable attributes of introduced soybean samples (<i>Glycine max</i> L.) for new varieties creation under irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine




soybean, gene pool, standard varieties, sources of valuable signs, irrigation


Purpose. To study introduced soybean samples and to find out genetic sources of main biological and economically valuable attributes for further use in the selection process.

Methods. The laboratorial, field, statistical.

Results. The study allowed to determine the samples, which are characterized by the set of valuable features. So, ‘Staroukrainka’, 014728 (RUS) is characterized by ultra-early ripening and high seed yields. The samples ‘B 44/22’, 02625; ‘B 4/411’, 02624 (KAZ) have got long stems and high seed yield. ‘А 14/253’, 02636 (KAZ) combines high rates of the stem length and lower pod location above the ground with resistance to drought and infestation. ‘А 14/23’, 02635 (KAZ) is characterized by high seed yield and drought resistance. The samples ‘А 16/145’, 02637; ‘А 16/145’, 02637 (KAZ) are resistant to drought and infestation. Five-year study of the introduced soybean samples allowed to highlight standard samples by the features: duration of the “seedling-ripening” period is very short (90–100 days) – ‘Aktai’, 0142258 (HUN), ‘А 9/562’, 02633 (KAZ); lower pod location above the ground (16,1–20,0 сm) – ‘А 16/145’, 02637; ‘А 14/253’, 02636 (KAZ); high seed yield (116–135%) – ‘B 46/6-1’, 02643 (KAZ); high 1000 seeds weight (191–250 g) – ‘B 19/622’, 02639 (KAZ); low 1000 seeds weight (71–130 g) – ‘B 19/622’, 02639 (KAZ). After comprehensive assessment in a collection nursery and competitive variety testing, best by the complex of practically valuable features varieties and lines have been planted to hybridization nursery and will be used for creation of new soybean varieties.

Conclusions. The introduced samples by the complex of valuable attributes and standard samples are recommended for use in the selection process for creation of new soybean varieties on a genetic basis adapted to the irrigated conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

Р. А. Вожегова, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture, NAAS of Ukraine

Raisa Vozhehova

В. О. Боровик, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture, NAAS of Ukraine

Vira Borovyk

В. В. Клубук, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture, NAAS of Ukraine

Viktor Klubuk

Д. К. Рубцов, Institute of Irrigated Agriculture, NAAS of Ukraine

Danylo Rubtsov


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How to Cite

Вожегова, Р. А., Боровик, В. О., Клубук, В. В., & Рубцов, Д. К. (2018). Selection value of sources of valuable attributes of introduced soybean samples (&lt;i&gt;Glycine max&lt;/i&gt; L.) for new varieties creation under irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection, 14(2), 176–182.

