Productivity and adaptability of myronivka spring barley varieties of different breeding periods
spring barley, variety, yield, stability, genotype–environment interaction, adaptability indices, correlation, AMMI, GGE biplotAbstract
Purpose. To give comparative estimation of yield productivity and adaptability of spring barley varieties, developed at the V. M. Remeslo Institute of Wheat of NAAS and included to the State Register of Ukraine during 1995–2017.
Methods. The study was carried out at the V. M. Remeslo Institute of Wheat of NAAS during 2013–2017 according to accepted methods. Objects of the research – 19 Myronivka spring barley varieties, registered in Ukraine during 1995–2017. To characterize the “genotype–environment” interaction and varieties differentiation according to productivity and stability, a number of the most used approaches were applied: S. A. Eberhart, W. A. Russel (1966); G. Wricke (1962); C. S. Lin, M. R. Binns (1988); M. Huehn (1990); A.V. Kilchevskiy, L.V. Khotyleva (1985); V. V. Khangildin, N. A. Litvinenko (1981); J. L. Purchase et al. (2000); AMMI; GGE biplot.
Results.The share of year’s conditions in the common variation was 83.40%. Reliable, but significantly lower values were calculated for genotype – 10.65% and “genotype–environment” interaction – 5.95%. The first two principal components of the GGE biplot explain the slightly higher percentage of the “genotype–environment” interaction (85.58%) in comparison with the AMMI model (80.90%). Correlation analysis revealed above-average positive interrelation of average productivity (Mean) with the maximum (Max) (r = 0.69) as well as the minimum (Min) (r = 0.72) levels. The strong positive correlation was peculiar to Mean with parameters SVGi (r = 0.88), Hom (r = 0.86), Sc (r = 0.82). The strong negative correlation was registered for Mean with Pi (r = -0.96). For Max only average negative correlation with Pi (r = -0.60) was found. Mіn strongly correlated with Sc (r = 0.96), SVGi (r = 0.87) and Hom (r = 0.84). The strong negative correlation Min with Sgi (r = -0.86) was observed. Between the some indices correlation varied from functional and very strong positive: δ2SAAi and Кgi (r = 1.00), Wi and Lgi (r = 0.98), SVGiand Hom (r = 0.98), SVGiand Sc (r = 0.96), S2diand Wi (r = 0.96), WiandASV(r = 0.94), Sc and Hom (r = 0.94), δ2SAAi and bi (r = 0.93), S2diandASV (r = 0.93) to strong negative: SgiandSVGi (r = -0.94), Sgiand Sc(r = -0.92), Sgiand Hom (r = -0.91), PiandSVGi (r = -0.83), Piand Sc (r = -0.80), Piand Hom (r = -0.79).
Conclusions. The systemic comparative estimation with statistical and graphical approaches shows that new spring barley varieties ‘Virazh’, ‘Talisman Myronivskyi’, ‘MIP Myrnyi’, ‘MIP Saliut’, ‘MIP Sotnyk’, ‘MIP Azart’, ‘MIP Bohun’ included to the State Register of Ukraine during 2016–2017 have advantages over older varieties by both productive and adaptive potential.
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