The economic value of parthenocarpic hybrids of gherkin-type cucumber in the conditions of protected ground growing during the spring-summer period
Cucumis sativus L., hybrids F1, gherkin-type cucumber, parthenocarpia, economic and valuable signs, yield capacityAbstract
Purpose. To determine the best parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids of gherkin-type by the level of economic value in the conditions of protected ground during the spring-summer period.
Methods. During the years 2015–2017, in the conditions of greenhouse (protected ground) a comprehensive evaluation of 18 genotypes of cucumbers selected at the Institute of Vegetable and Melon of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was implemented. Plant materials were obtained as a result of artificial hybridization of breeding cucumbers during the previous years. Characteristics of domestic hybrid ‘Nadiia F1’ served as a standard (reference) set of economic indicators.
Results. According to the results of the evaluation seven F1 hybrids were selected as a group of valuable economic characteristics among the promising genotypes. The samples of parthenocarpic type (58.7–79.5%), of early maturing (from mass germination to the beginning of the fruiting – 51–53 days) with the female type of flowering (80–100%) and the bouquet arrangement of female flowers (by 3–5) were distinguished. The period of fruiting is about 40–45 days. The total yield of these hybrids ranges from 16.2 to 21.2 kg/m2 (5–37% more compared to standard figures), with the product marketability 82–90%. The average weight of the commercial unit was 91–100 g (standard – 88 g). F1 hybrids are resistant to root rot and relatively resistant to mildew. Tasting score of fresh fruits – 4.6–4.9 points, canned – 4.4–4.5 points. According to the study of heterosis level of genotypes on the basis of ‘parthenocarpia’ index, four hybrids have shown a positive over-domination. On the basis of ‘yield’ index, three hybrids had a positive super-domination with the effect of heterosis 126–142%. Five hybrids have shown negative dominance and negative over-domination that determines their early maturity. Positive domination and over-domination with the effect of heterosis 101–113% were peculiar to five hybrids according to ‘merchantability’ index.
Conclusions. As a result of selection the new competitive parthenocarpic genotypes of gherkin-type cucumber were created for greenhouse (protected ground) growing during the spring-summer period. New cucumber hybrids will be tested in the previous and competitive variety tests and the best samples will be sent to qualification examination.
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