Specifics of the key yield components manifestation in self-pollinated corn lines under different growing conditions
corn, constant lines, germplasm ‘Ayodent’, yield components, square deviationAbstract
Purpose. Assessment of the collection of early-maturing constant lines of ‘Ayodent’ germplasm in terms of the key indicators of yield components.
Methods. Field, mathematical, and statistical.
Results. Over the years of experiment, the average grain yield varied from 3.36 t/ha in 2014 to 4.24 t/ha in 2013. In 2015, the yield amounted to 3.63 t/ha. The maximum average yield was obtained from lines ‘DK555’ and ‘DK744’ (5.35 and 5.22 t/ha, respectively). Lines ‘DK237’ and ‘DK1274’ demonstrated the most stable grain yield over the years of research with the fluctuation of 0.33 and 0.36 t/ha, respectively, at a mean square deviation equal 0.06 t/ha. The variation coefficient of the yield components of self-pollinated lines ranged from 9.1% (number of kernel rows in an ear) to 13.2% (100-kernel weight). The average number of kernels in a row over the years of research was 18.3, with a range from 15.7 to 21.9, which was 11.6% less than in the standard line ‘DK744’ (20.7). The average grain yield amounted to 74.0% (with a range from 53.6 to 81.7%. The highest grain yield marked the following lines: ‘DK1274’ (79.6%), ‘DК213’ (79.9%), ‘DК744’ (81.2%), and ‘DК155’ (81.7%). The most stable in terms of 100-kernel weight were ‘DK216’ (24.1 g) and ‘DK237’ (27.0 g), with the mean square deviations (s) being 0.7 and 3.1, respectively. Close correlations between the grain yield, the number of kernels in a row and the grain output were found: 0.85 and 0.83, respectively.
Conclusions. The maximum manifestation of grain yield sign was recorded in ‘DK555’ (5.35 t/ha) and ‘DK744’ (5.22 t/ha) lines; the number of rows in an ear ‘DK744’ (17.0) and ‘DK1274’ (15.5); the number of kernels in a row ‘DK555’ (21.9) and ‘DK744’ (20.7); 100-kernel weight ‘DK213’ (28.2 g) and ‘DK1274’ (27.7 g). The lines ‘DK1274’ and ‘DК237’ had the smallest fluctuation of grain yield over the experiment years (4.39 and 3.39 t/ha, respectively).
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