Combining ability of the new genetic plasma Iodent during the maize hybrids’ selection for Steppe zone of Ukraine
corn, self-pollinated families, Iodent, General Combining Ability (GCA), testcrossesAbstract
Purpose is to create and evaluate the combining ability of the new output material of sodent plasma at the outlet of maize hybrids’ selection for steppe zone of Ukraine.
Metods. Field, matematical and statistical.
Results. In our study one of the main selection criteria was the evaluation of combining ability of the new output material by the main economic characteristics, which is of great importance for selection process assessment. The results of the evaluation of self-pollinated families S5 and S6 of sister hybrids created by crossing the early-maturing constant lines of the genetic plasma Iodent FAO 180–250 selection of the R&D Institute of Grain Crops of NAAS: ‘DK714/195’, ‘DK744’, ‘DK555’, ‘DK237’, ‘DK216’, ‘DK213’, ‘DK1274’ and ‘DK234’ were represented. It was shown the dynamics of the best self-pollinated families’ selection and the relations between the different genotypes’ reaction on growing conditions and the genetic origin of the output material were analyzed too. On the base of analysis of the yields of testcrosses, created with the best self-pollinated families, the hybrids with significantly higher crop standards were selected, with the less harvest corn moisture. For the economic evaluation of testcrosses, the yield index has been determined as the relation between the corn yield and corn harvest moisture. For the best testcrosses it was within 0.60–0.68 while the yield index value for the hybrids of standards was within 0.34–0.45.
Conclusions. The early self-pollinated families S6 (DK744 ´ DK216)211111, (DK744 ´ DK213)111211 and (DK744 ´ DK555)112111 with higher estimated GCA effect on the basis of “grain yield” in comparison with the line standard ‘DK744’, were selected. It was determined the dependence of the GCA level of self-pollinated families on the genotype of the source lines, on the basis of which they were created. In particular, the most of the best self-pollinated S6 families include ‘DK744’ and ‘DK555’ lines
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