Morphological features and biometric characteristics of leaves of English rose varieties
David Austin roses, biometric indicators, leaflet, quantitative parameters, qualitative parametersAbstract
Purpose. To study the morphological features and determine the biometric indices of leaves of English roses.
Methods. Field, morphological, descriptive, biometric. Morphological descriptions were carried out in accordance with the Atlas of morphological features of rose varieties (Rosa L.) (2009) and the Illustrated Guide to Flowering Plant Morphology (2004).
Results. The morphological features of the leaves of English rose varieties were determined. Quantitative (length of complex leaf, number of leaf plates, area of leaflet, total leaf area) and qualitative (leaflet shape, leaflet edge shape, leaflet base shape, leaflet tip) were studied. Varieties of English roses that have maximum and minimum values for these indicators were highlighted.
Conclusions. The morphological features were revealed and the biometric indicators of the leaves of English roses from the collection of the State Dendrological Park “Alexandria” NAS of Ukraine were determined. The amplitude of variability of morphological characters of the studied varieties was determined. Peculiarities of the morphological structure and biometric parameters of leaves of English rose varieties can be diagnostic signs for determining varieties within the boundaries of the species. Plants with increased photosynthetic productivity of the leaf apparatus, which is characteristic of the ‘James Galway’ and ‘A Shropshire Lad’ varieties, have an advantage in landscaping.
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