Features of introduction of sour cherries variety ‘Kseniia’ and cherries variety ‘Vasylysa prekrasna’ into in vitro culture
Prunus avium L., Prunus cerasus L., in vitro culture, selection of explants, sterilization, nutrient medium, growth regulatorsAbstract
Purpose. Determine the optimal timing of explant selection, select sterilizing agents and sterilization regimens, as well as the nutrient medium for the introduction of new perspective varieties of sour cherries (Prunus cerasus L.) and cherries (Prunus avium L.) into in vitro culture.
Methods. During the work the method of clonal micropropagation of plants and statistical processing of experimental data were applied.
Results. The optimal term of explants selection , the duration of exposure during sterilization, the optimal composition of the nutrient medium at the first stage of microclonal reproduction were determined. A 0.1% solution of mercuric chloride and a 3% solution of “Lizoformin 3000” with exposure to sterilization of 5, 6 and 7 minutes were used to determine the optimal sterilization and sterilizing regimen. The highest yield of sterile explants for both ‘Kseniia’ sour cherries and ‘Vasylysa prekrasna’ cherries was obtained with a 7 min sterilization exposure for both sterilizing agents. When using a 0.1% solution of mercury chloride, this figure was higher than in the sterilization with 3% solution of the preparation “Lizoformin 3000” – 71 and 99%, respectively.
Conclusions. The efficiency of sterilization and the introduction into in vitro culture of sour cherries ‘Kseniia’ and cherries ‘Vasylysa prekrasna’ explants were influenced by the duration of sterilization, the time of selection of explants, the phytosanitary state of the mother plant, the composition of the nutrient medium. A 0.1% solution of mercuric chloride at 7 min exposure was the most effective in obtaining aseptic culture from explants removed from donor plants at rest when sprouting buds under controlled conditions. The use of the preparation “Lizoformin 3000” at a concentration of 3% for 6–7 min while sterilizing explants of the studied cultures contributes to their better survival in the environment. The optimal nutrient medium for the cultivation of sour cherry ‘Kseniia’ explants is the medium with the addition of aloe juice, and for cherries ‘Vasylysa prekrasna’ – MS + phloroglucinol. The highest sterilization efficiency (99% in ‘Vasylysa prekrasna’ and 71% in ‘Kseniia’) was obtained using 0.1% HgCl2 in 7 min exposure. When using the preparation “Lizoformin 3000” with the same sterilization exposure, this indicator was 83 and 52%, respectively. Therefore, we can recommend the use of the preparation “Lizoformin 3000” at 3% concentration with an exposure of 7 min for sterilization of stone cultures
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